Author Topic: Trigger question  (Read 1714 times)

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Trigger question
« on: 30 Mar 2020, 13:14 »
Afternoon all

Is it possible to set a trigger to back at a specific price?

For example if a horse starts at 50 and is backed down, can
a trigger activate if the prices reaches say 10?

I'm new to the writing triggers and im just looking to pick up any tips if I can.


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Re: Trigger question
« Reply #1 on: 30 Mar 2020, 19:11 »

Yes, of course, there is a number of trigger conditions you can use to make a trigger kick in at exactly the right moment.

In the case you've described just use:

Selection's Back Price is between 1.01 and 10
and Selection's Actual Starting Price is equal or greater than 50

Provided that by "a horse starts at 50" you mean that the starting price of the horse is 50 or higher.

There are lots of useful resources here:

With 100+ trigger examples here:
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Trigger question
« Reply #2 on: 01 Apr 2020, 11:20 »
Thanks for that its just what I needed 


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