Author Topic: [TR] Trigger Request - Dutching  (Read 2540 times)

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[TR] Trigger Request - Dutching
« on: 06 Feb 2017, 21:47 »

I have a paid subscription and this is the first trigger I've requested since subscribing. I don't know if this is possible, but here is what I'd like to do:

1. For Horses or Greyhounds, win markets, qualify the market with number of runners, total volume, and price of the first favourite, for example, 6 to 8 runners, at least $10,000 total volume, and the first favourite 1.8 or greater.
2. I'd like to find the number of favourites so that the total of their probabilities are P% or more. For example, if P = 70% I'd like to find the number of favourites, N, starting with the first favourite where their probabilities of those N add up to 70% or more, and N - 1 favourites is less than 70%.
3. Say the first three favourites have prices 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0, if P = 60%, the N = 2 as 1/3.0 + 1/3.5 = 61.9%. But if P = 70% then N = 3 as 1/3.0 + 1/3.5 + 1/4.0 = 86.9%.
3. Then dutch N runners for either profit of $X
4. If there is a profit, then the next matching race is done the same for $X profit
5. If there is a loss, then the next matching race is done the same for $Z profit which is A% of the amount of the previous loss. For example, if X = $10 profit and the dutch bets total $30 and loses, and if A = 150% then then next race is done for $45 profit (150% of $30)
6. Finally, if there are L losses in a row, then start over with $X profit. For example, if L = 3 and A = 150% and X = $10, then the first race dutches for $10 profit and loses $30, then the second race dutches for $45 profit ($30 times 150%) and loses $90, then the third race dutches for $180 ($30 + $90 times 150%) and loses, then the fourth race resets and dutches for $10 profit.

SUMMARY: Dutch enough favourites to cover P% of the race by probability for $X profit. If a win, do it again. If a loss, recover A% of the total loss a maximum of L times, then reset the total loss to zero and bet to win $X profit.

Is this possible?  Thanks.


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Re: Trigger Request - Dutching
« Reply #1 on: 07 Feb 2017, 19:42 »
Thank you for your reply.

Yes, please remove the staking plan.


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Re: Trigger Request - Dutching
« Reply #2 on: 09 Feb 2017, 00:05 »

Do you need me to open a new topic or do you have what you need?

Thank you


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Re: Trigger Request - Dutching
« Reply #3 on: 09 Feb 2017, 13:27 »
Please await your triggers. I will post in this topic when they are ready.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Trigger Request - Dutching
« Reply #4 on: 10 Feb 2017, 08:42 »
Please see your triggers attached.

Using the constants, you can adjust the triggers' settings.

Make sure you have tested them in test mode.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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