Author Topic: Trigger that remembers the favourite before match starts  (Read 1927 times)

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  • Posts: 5

On a football match I want to remember which team was the favourite and their odds. The in play I can use this to trigger actions based on the correct score.

Can anyone help me on how to do this?


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  • Posts: 3642
Re: Trigger that remembers the favourite before match starts
« Reply #1 on: 01 Oct 2020, 20:21 »
That information is available in variables in-play:
last_order is the order of the selection just before the off
last_last_traded is selections last traded price before the off 
last_backp is selections last back price before the off 
last_layp is selections last lay price before the off 

example trigger
set user variable, name: fav, value: "sel_name"   
set user variable, name: favprice, value: last_last_traded
first matching selection
status: in-play
once per market
condition: selections trigger expression last_order is equal to 1

then in your CS trigger you can use the values of fav and favprice 
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