Author Topic: [TR] Trigger to roll over inital stake + profits for set sequence of bets  (Read 2206 times)

  • All members
  • Posts: 2
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I would an example of a trigger that will take an initial stake (eg - £100) and roll over the initial bet and consequent winnings for a set amount of bets (eg - 4). If the full sequence of 4 is achieved, then go back to original stake.

To simplify, an "all in" trigger after each win.

Many thanks.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
i need some information on selection etc and an example of what you require.

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  • All members
  • Posts: 2
  • Gender: Male

Backing horses but selection made manually using Market Feeder in Full Mode.

A worked example, using the same odds for simplicity.

1st bet £[email protected] wins £20
2nd bet £120 (stake + winnings)@1.2 wins £24
3rd bet £144 (as above)@1.2 wins £28.80
4th bet £172.80 (as above)@1.2 wins £34.56

x amount of wins (in this case 4) go back to original stake of £100. Any loss and bank is gone, go back to original stake of £100 (funds allowing of course).

I hope this makes sense.

Thank you.

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
here is your trigger,in the constants you can set.
Bet amount
Number of bets to roll over

please use test mode until you are happy with your settings


download the trigger below
Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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