Author Topic: Trigger troubles!  (Read 3309 times)

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Trigger troubles!
« on: 28 Jul 2017, 12:26 »
Hi all,

I've tried so many different ways around this problem now and I just can't quite a trigger to do what I want it to do correctly. The objective is simple, and you'll probably think the solution is too, but I'm at an impasse myself!

The objective is to lay 2 selections in place markets as long as the combined liability does not exceed 1.00 (that is to say, the combined lay prices sum to no more than 3.00)
  • Importantly, nothing is to be layed unless and until there are exactly 2 qualifying selections

Any ideas gratefully received!


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Re: Trigger troubles!
« Reply #1 on: 28 Jul 2017, 17:05 »
Hello! I am trying to understand what exactly you are trying to achieve.

These statements:

as long as the combined liability does not exceed 1.00
 (that is to say, the combined lay prices sum to no more than 3.00)

are not synonymous. You can bet a very small amount of money to achieve a combined liability less than 1.0, or you can lay at very low prices. So I guess you are trying to say that both selections' prices should be below 2.0? 
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Trigger troubles!
« Reply #2 on: 28 Jul 2017, 17:20 »
Hi Oxa,

I'm trying to say that if Selection 1 was a lay price of 1.25 and Selection 2 lay price = 1.75 that this would be on the limit of the combined acceptable lay odds. They sum to 3.00.

Similarly, if Selection 1 was 1.45 and Selection 2 was 1.50, then both would qualify as their combined 'liability' (sorry might be a terminology thing) is 0.95, which < 1.00 so ok.

Does this make more sense? In reply to your question:

So I guess you are trying to say that both selections' prices should be below 2.0?

Not quite, 2.0 is the maximum any one selection could be, but then the other one would have to be at lay odds of 1.0 for the pair to qualify.

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Re: Trigger troubles!
« Reply #3 on: 29 Jul 2017, 18:06 »
not sure if this is what you are after, please try it in test mode first

this will lay two selections with the lowest lay prices, as long as the sum of both their lay prices is less than 3.00

all matching selections
once per market
selections lay price is less than 2.00
and selections sorting order is defined by lay_price
and selections trigger expression match_index is between 1 and 2
and selections trigger expression match_1_lay_price+match_2_lay_price is less than 3.00
and selections trigger expression matching_number is equal to 2

Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Trigger troubles!
« Reply #4 on: 31 Jul 2017, 09:02 »
Awesome MarkV, will give it a go, thanks. Would never have come up with that myself!

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Re: Trigger troubles!
« Reply #5 on: 31 Jul 2017, 17:21 »
Dang, it doesn't seem to work.

In the example below, it's picked up the Fav and 3rd Fav, whereas Bobbys Charm was the 2nd Fav. I don't know what prices they were at 12:17 when this executed, but currently Qaaraat is lay price 1.62, Bobbys Charm is 1.85 and Pranceabootthetoon is 2.82
12:17:11Checking market "Horse Racing / GB / Wolv 31st Jul / 18:15 Wolv 31st Jul - To Be Placed".
12:17:11    Checking condition and Global Current Time is between start_monitor and stop_monitor.
12:17:11    Condition is: TRUE. valid for 7 selections: Qaaraat, Bobbys Charm, Pranceabootthetoon, Ghepardo, Deviate, Lucky Lucky Man, Goldakoya.
12:17:11    Checking condition and Market's Number of Places is equal to 2.
12:17:11    Condition is: TRUE. valid for 7 selections: Qaaraat, Bobbys Charm, Pranceabootthetoon, Ghepardo, Deviate, Lucky Lucky Man, Goldakoya.
12:17:11    Checking condition and Selection's Lay Price is less than 2.00.
12:17:11    Condition is: TRUE. valid for 3 selections: Qaaraat, Bobbys Charm, Pranceabootthetoon.
12:17:11    Checking condition and Selection's Sorting order is defined by lay_price.
12:17:11    Condition is: TRUE. valid for 3 selections: Pranceabootthetoon, Qaaraat, Bobbys Charm.
12:17:11    Checking condition and Selection's Trigger Expression match_index is between 1 and 2.
12:17:11    Condition is: TRUE. valid for 2 selections: Pranceabootthetoon, Qaaraat.
12:17:11    Checking condition and Selection's Trigger Expression match_1_lay_price+match_2_lay_price is equal or less than 3.00.
12:17:11    Condition is: TRUE. valid for 2 selections: Pranceabootthetoon, Qaaraat.
12:17:11    Checking condition and Selection's Trigger Expression matching_number is equal to 2.
12:17:11    Condition is: TRUE. valid for 2 selections: Pranceabootthetoon, Qaaraat.

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Re: Trigger troubles!
« Reply #6 on: 01 Aug 2017, 18:31 »
your log seems to show the conditions doing what they should
did you have sight of the two lay bets? were their lay prices added together below 3.0?

the conditions shown are a framework to achieve what you asked in your description, you can modify or add your own conditions as to when you want the bets to fire etc. for example, if you want the trigger to fire anytime between 10 mins and 1min before the off add:
and markets minutes before the off is between 1 and 10 
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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