Author Topic: Triggered Betting (Stop Triigger)  (Read 5018 times)

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Triggered Betting (Stop Triigger)
« on: 18 Dec 2015, 22:54 »

In Test Mode:

I'm testing a trigger to bet on the UK Greyhound market. I want my trigger to automatically stop firing once my loss on the market has reached £25.

I have set the following in the settings
1) Under Settings > Betting Options >
2) I have ticked "Stop Automated Betting If Maximum loos in the market reached"
3) I have put -25.00 in the box

But my trigger is still firing past this amount of loss.

Is there anything else I need to do or why is this happening.

Please help. Thanks

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Re: Triggered Betting (Stop Triigger)
« Reply #1 on: 18 Dec 2015, 23:35 »

Try to remove the minus sign - just type 25 in the textbox!

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Re: Triggered Betting (Stop Triigger)
« Reply #2 on: 19 Dec 2015, 01:00 »

I tried that I got an error say "Enter a number between -0.01 and -1000000"

That box will only accept minus (-) figure, which makes sense really.

any other help will be appreciated. Thanks

  • Élite
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Re: Triggered Betting (Stop Triigger)
« Reply #3 on: 19 Dec 2015, 07:32 »
i am confirming that this function does NOT work.
i will contact support.

you can add a condition to your betting trigger.
and selections trigger expression total_won is greater than -25.00

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Re: Triggered Betting (Stop Triigger)
« Reply #4 on: 19 Dec 2015, 08:36 »

That box will only accept minus (-) figure, which makes sense really.

...I thinking the oposite if it stands loss and we put in a negative value => A negative loss is a profit.

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Re: Triggered Betting (Stop Triigger)
« Reply #5 on: 21 Dec 2015, 08:18 »
Please attach the screenshot of a market where bets are still placed past the maximum loss point, along with the trigger file.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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