Author Topic: Triggered betting and Time machine questions  (Read 7908 times)

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Triggered betting and Time machine questions
« on: 11 Nov 2019, 10:53 »
Hi, I had a free trial a few months ago but never got around to testing it before the trial ran out so am looking at a sub now.
Before I pull the trigger on the sub I'm just trying to work out if it's going to do what I need.
I'm using BetAngel currently but am now getting to the stage where I need to learn Excel VBA to do what I need in that, then port all my existing automation to Excel only. I'm wondering if MFP is going to be better in the long run.

On the triggered betting am I able to use a mix of built in triggers and Excel data ? I'm hoping to use an Excel spreadsheet with stats for each player in tennis, season stats and possible scraped in-play data. Would a trigger be able to do a lookup dynamically on a cell ref before triggering a trade i.e if a 1st serve stat for the match/season is over x%. Excel would be populated dynamically via an external script

I also really like the idea of Time Machine but can I batch run purchased matches against a set of triggers, rather than have to run each one manually ? So, leave it running for a few hours against a large list of previous matches ?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Triggered betting and Time machine questions
« Reply #1 on: 12 Nov 2019, 08:25 »
Hate to bump, but anyone have any thoughts. I'd really like to buy a subscription and get going but just need to know it's going to be able to do what I want.


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Re: Triggered betting and Time machine questions
« Reply #2 on: 12 Nov 2019, 10:33 »
You will be able to leave it running for a few hours against a long list of matches.  Excel integration should be fine, bit I'm not an expert.  

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Re: Triggered betting and Time machine questions
« Reply #3 on: 12 Nov 2019, 10:54 »
You will be able to leave it running for a few hours against a long list of matches.  Excel integration should be fine, bit I'm not an expert.  
Thanks for the reply. Good to hear that about Time Machine. I'll keep digging on the Excel part

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Re: Triggered betting and Time machine questions
« Reply #4 on: 12 Nov 2019, 13:50 »
Hello and welcome!

With MF Pro the majority of operations (calculations, bets, etc.) can be performed without the need to dig into Excel or VBA. I am personally not a fan of Excel.

Take the stats for example. They are mostly figures next to players'/teams' names, right? You can put those figures into a text file and import them into MF Pro in one go, without the need to connect to Excel.
See this tutorial on how to import selections and their data into MF Pro:

And we have covered the topic of importing figures from a text file in this article (scroll down to the last question):

5. Can I import several values from a text file for each dog on which I want to bet? E.g. the price and amount of the bet?

I also really like the idea of Time Machine but can I batch run purchased matches against a set of triggers, rather than have to run each one manually 

That's exactly what Time Machine is for. That's what I do on a daily basis when testing clients' triggers before delivering them. I pick sets of markets for football, tennis, horse racing, greyhound racing, say, a day's worth of markets, and I run my triggers against them several times, correcting errors where needed and re-running them again until I reach (near)perfection.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Triggered betting and Time machine questions
« Reply #5 on: 12 Nov 2019, 14:00 »
Hi, and thanks for the welcome

Understood on the Excel front, using a csv or other delimted file would be ideal.
Can I then ask if it is possible to import from the file dynamically ? Rather then use static "season" stats I would like to scrape in-game stats, specifically tennis and drop those into a file in the correct format. rather than read those once at the start of trading could I read them every x seconds so that the data available to the trigger was constantly refreshed ?

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Re: Triggered betting and Time machine questions
« Reply #6 on: 12 Nov 2019, 14:03 »
I would like to scrape in-game stats, specifically tennis and drop those into a file in the correct format

Yes, there is an option to re-import every xx seconds. You set this up during the first import of your file.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Triggered betting and Time machine questions
« Reply #7 on: 12 Nov 2019, 14:34 »
I would like to scrape in-game stats, specifically tennis and drop those into a file in the correct format

Yes, there is an option to re-import every xx seconds. You set this up during the first import of your file.

Perfect, thanks. I'll get my sub set up now :)

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Re: Triggered betting and Time machine questions
« Reply #8 on: 19 Nov 2019, 17:45 »
Just to let you know that I've released a video demonstrating how I test triggers in a series of historical markets using Time Machine:

How to test loss recovery plans in MarketFeeder Pro
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Triggered betting and Time machine questions
« Reply #9 on: 19 Nov 2019, 18:01 »
Just to let you know that I've released a video demonstrating how I test triggers in a series of historical markets using Time Machine:

How to test loss recovery plans in MarketFeeder Pro
Great, thank you. Will check it out


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