Author Topic: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?  (Read 7368 times)

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Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« on: 13 Feb 2019, 12:28 »
Hi all, the standard trigger for Laypro88 seems to allow the trigger to be placed at any time before a market is settled, so it allows the option of in-play triggering, which would not strictly follow the intention of the strategy. I know this has been discussed some time ago, but there doesn't appear to have been a fix to the trigger (if that's even possible).

I've tried tweaking the trigger, in the 'laying' section where it default to market status 'All Except Settled' i'm not sure what that's trying to do. I changed it to market status 'Idle or Suspended' and a few triggers happened, but then it stopped, saying 'Inappropriate state of market (Finished)'. Presumably this is referring to the last triggered market is it? So no new trigger will implement if the last market is Settled, but it will implement is the last triggered market is anything else?

There are also a few supplementary conditions to this trigger I don't understand as well. It says Lay if.. Idx, lay_price, min_runners, lay_price_diff & mins_before_off... all those conditions seem fine, but then it says AND "Trigger Laying if No of Runners is equal to 0" where 0 is the paste condition. I don't understand that condition, would someone be able to explain it for me please? Then there is an 'or' condition tagged on to that 'and' condition, saying 'or if previous triggered event is settled'. That 'or' part seems to contradict the condition I mentioned in the second para where it triggers on anything except settled.

All in all i'm very new to this software but a little puzzled by what the conditions are telling me. I've attached a couple of screenshots in case i've not explained it very well.

And is there a way to stop this triggering on in-play markets at all?

Many thanks (and apologies if this topic is in the wrong section)

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Re: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« Reply #1 on: 13 Feb 2019, 13:59 »
To prevent betting in-play, just change the market status in the lay trigger to Idle or Suspended.   The condition you refer to "Trigger laying Number of runs in the market is equal to 0"  ensures that the first time the triggers are used or after restart, then a bet will be placed and not prevented by the following condition "or Previous Triggered Event's Status is Settled".   These two conditions are always required when a staking system requires the outcome of the previous event before proceeding.    

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Re: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« Reply #2 on: 13 Feb 2019, 18:33 »
Thanks for the reply.

I did change the lay setting to 'idle or suspended' but then nothing was triggering due to 'inappropriate state of market (finished)'. Is that normal? Usually it would not trigger due to failures in the other criteria but then keep moving on to the next markets. When I tweaked it to idle/suspended, it just seemed to stop looking forwards to the next markets.

Thanks for the other explanation about the first trigger/software restart. That makes sense. Could I please also ask is the software intelligent enough to 'remember' what the next stake would be in the sequence is you restart it?

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Re: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« Reply #3 on: 13 Feb 2019, 19:11 »
I have used this trigger and it works as described.  The logs will show you if anything is wrong with your settings.  Where are you seeing "Inappropriate State of market"?  I would start monitoring at 15 sec before off (in settings); synchronise computer time with Betfair.   Send me  screenshots of the first 3 tabs of settings.

If you add the variable current_bet as a constant with the same initial value as unit_size and set it's action as "Remember Last Value", it should retain the value if you close and restart the program. You would also need to delete the first trigger "Initialising current bet".   See attached screenshot:

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Re: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« Reply #4 on: 13 Feb 2019, 19:13 »
Sorry forgot to change current_bet to the same as unit_size (10) in that screenshot.   Then delete the first trigger under constants.

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Re: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« Reply #5 on: 13 Feb 2019, 19:35 »
I was getting the error on the lay trigger, the 4th and final trigger on the original setup. I must have tweaked something else that was upsetting it, I was trying to fiddle around without really understanding.

Anyway, the first screenshot below is with the lay trigger changed to idle/suspended and that does appear to be blocking the lays from triggering on an in-play market, although at the minute I have not witnessed a market go in-play without a lay and then try to trigger. But it seems that would not be an issue (when I was testing last night, I had a lay trigger in the very final stages of a race when the eventual winner was already trading about 1.05)

Ignore the changes I've made to min_runners and max_odds, I just want a bit more action while i'm testing out the various settings.

The second screenshot is, I think, as you've suggested. Current_bet set to 10 (identical to unit_size), but to remember the last value that was triggered. And then I've deleted the 1st trigger.

So this should now in theory remember the last stake, even if the software is closed, laptop rebooted etc, and still apply all the other usual conditions of increasing/reducing the unit_size? Let's say the last trigger stake was 20 and that lay was successful, the next stake should be 18, do you think that would be applied after a software reboot?


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Re: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« Reply #6 on: 13 Feb 2019, 19:47 »
In fact, while I was typing my last message, I had the Trigger Editor open and the triggers stopped. Seems the triggers switch themselves off while being edited perhaps?

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Re: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« Reply #7 on: 13 Feb 2019, 20:24 »
The last value of current_bet will be remembered after you switch of computer or close program or whatever.  I need to see the first three tabs of your Settings window.

The triggers will usually keep operating when you open the Triggers editor, by pressing the Triggers Editor button.  However, if you press the Open Trigger button and then select your trigger, the Triggers light bulb will change to Red and will cease operation until you save and reload.

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Re: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« Reply #8 on: 13 Feb 2019, 20:36 »
Screenshots below. I've not changed an awful lot in there from the default really, mainly market refresh rate.

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Re: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« Reply #9 on: 13 Feb 2019, 20:58 »

General Options:
Untick show a popup window

Market Settings:
Change Delete Settled events to Finished events  -  the  triggers require the result of the previous triggered market although it should have been fine with leaving 50 events, you could reduce this to 6-10.  

Betting Options are fine

Monitoring Options:
Tick Synchronise local time......
Untick Request data from betfair.......  - There have been problems in the past with zipped data and it is not necessary.

I would start monitoring at 0.5 - 1 min before off.  You could change the IN-play refresh rate to 2 sec as you won't be laying in-play.

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Re: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« Reply #10 on: 13 Feb 2019, 21:11 »
Ok thanks for your help, really appreciate it.

Will see how the tweaked trigger runs tomorrow.

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Re: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« Reply #11 on: 15 Feb 2019, 19:49 »
Another issue with the trigger unfortunately, which seemed to work fine yesterday (Thursday) but today seems not to want to play ball.

See my screenshots below
1. The trigger conditions for laying with two "AND" conditions at the bottom
2. The log showing that the 18:30 race at Dundalk did not trigger because neither of those conditions were met.

I undersatand why Condition 2 was not triggered, because the last time this trigger activated was at 9am this morning.

But I thought Condition 1 was supposed to circumvent that in the event or a first time use of a trigger, or a system restart? Or presumably when a bet hasn't triggered for a length of time that the previous market is Finished instead of Settled.

Why is it failing to trigger by returning a FALSE on the first rule above?


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Re: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« Reply #12 on: 15 Feb 2019, 19:50 »
Is it as simple as changing that default setting "is equal to" to "is greater than" ?

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Re: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« Reply #13 on: 16 Feb 2019, 09:57 »
For some reason the trigger is not seeing the result of the previous triggered market, so try unticking Delete Settled Markets.   Due to the large number of untriggered markets my previous suggestion of leaving the last 10 markets in place may not be sufficient, so add a new trigger to operate in play.   Move this to the end of the trigger list.   Your market's list will now only have triggered markets.

Delete Market
All Markets
In Play


Markets Minutes since off is equal or greater than 0.2
and Market's number of matched lay bets is equal to 0

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Re: Triggers on Laypro88 - correct?
« Reply #14 on: 17 Feb 2019, 11:49 »
Yes I think that was it, the settled lay markets were getting deleted before the next lay was being triggered. I've just unticked the 'delete market' buttons, and i'll manually delete them as I go along.



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