Author Topic: Unmatched bets at concrete odds  (Read 5246 times)

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Unmatched bets at concrete odds
« on: 04 Nov 2012, 00:10 »
Hi everybody,
can you help me, how to check unmatched bets at concrete odds?

I need a condition (something like): "No unmatched odds at 4.20" (I know it sound strange but I will place a some bets at 4,20 before)

Thanks for any reply

  • Élite
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Re: Unmatched bets at concrete odds
« Reply #1 on: 04 Nov 2012, 00:24 »
it is not the bot that sets the limit, it is betfair.
they will give you the best odds available at the time your bet enters the que.
if the odds go against you then there is an unmatched bet, but if your set odds are 5.00 and the odds jump to 100.00, then you will be matched at 100.00.
the only way to sort of set your odds is to put a time limit of 1 second for your bet to be matched, else cancel.

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Re: Unmatched bets at concrete odds
« Reply #2 on: 04 Nov 2012, 01:18 »
Thanks for quick reply.

I know, the Betfair server always uses Best Price execution logic (takes the best price available). It will be better for me always.

But if I place bets at 4,20 - 6,0 - 10,0 - 20,0 (all offers) I need to know when this bets are matched. I must use refresh rate > 10 sec and changes LTP are not continuously accurate.

This is main reason why I need to detect unmatched bets at odds.

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Re: Unmatched bets at concrete odds
« Reply #3 on: 04 Nov 2012, 10:46 »
I have some thoughts, and post them as an idea only – not tested at all, and no idea if it will work.
Assuming you are backing

Remember Action after your Back Action in same trigger
remember name: e.g. concrete
remember selections bets
your choice of add to list or new list

Your second trigger
selection’s name is equal to concrete_sel_name
selection's bu_backp is equal to concrete_bu_backp
(or selection’s new bet price is equal to concrete_bu_backp)
The above conditions should identify unmatched bets at bu_backp price. So if the above conditions were met, you would NOT execute your next trigger.
You can also look at bu_backid  as a possible variable to use in your filtering.
Hope this helps

Btw something similar here, but with no solution I’m afraid
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