Author Topic: Using "Individually per selection"  (Read 5943 times)

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Using "Individually per selection"
« on: 17 Oct 2021, 17:15 »

I have a question about using "Individually per selection" for a user variable.

If I set up a user variable, for example, with the name myvar, and set it as Individually per selection, then I make the trigger fire each time a runner has a back price of 2.00. Does the user variable count individually for each selection every time the back price of 2.00 is met? If so how can I determine how many time the back price has been at 2.00 for the favourite, for example?

I can do it with separate triggers for each runner in the race. But I wondered if using Individually per selection could simplify the process.

Thanks for any help that you can provide.

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Re: Using "Individually per selection"
« Reply #1 on: 17 Oct 2021, 19:13 »
Have a look at the attached screenshot. The trigger increments a counter individually per selection, each time the selection's back price is equal to 2.00, and only in a downward direction. In the Engineer Mode screenshot, the first selection hit 2.00, drifted, and then came in again to give a count of 2 when the screenshot was taken. The counter variable is in the first column. No other selections hit 2.00    
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Re: Using "Individually per selection"
« Reply #2 on: 17 Oct 2021, 20:31 »
Hi Mark,

Thanks for your quick reply.

I shall look at what you have said, but I think that is exactly what I want.


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Re: Using "Individually per selection"
« Reply #3 on: 19 Oct 2021, 12:13 »
Hi Mark,

I have tried to set up a trigger using your information. But obviously I am doing something wrong.

I set up to count the drops in price for individual selections.

Then I ran a race, in Test Mode, in the Engineer mode screen. I also opened the user variable screen.

You can see that the user variable is counting the drops in price (although only for the first horse), but nothing is showing in the Engineer mode screen. I know that various horses dropped in price during the time I was running the race.

Can you see what I am doing wrong?

Thanks for your help.

I tried to attach screen shots to demonstrate what I have done, but I got an error message saying that the attachments had failed a security check.

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Re: Using "Individually per selection"
« Reply #4 on: 19 Oct 2021, 13:45 »
You need to put the variable in Engineering Mode settings and save the settings. See attached.

If it still doesn't work after let me know and I'll PM you an email address for your attachments 
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Re: Using "Individually per selection"
« Reply #5 on: 19 Oct 2021, 15:40 »
Hi Mark,

I have adjusted the settings as you advised, but still no luck. I really don't know what I am doing wrong.

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Re: Using "Individually per selection"
« Reply #6 on: 19 Oct 2021, 15:47 »

I have found the problem, I was using the same market. When I deleted the market and tried a different one, all was fine. Obviously I needed to refresh the market and I had not done that.

I just have one final question on this matter. How do I reference the figure in the engineer mode screen, in a formula?

For example, in the screen shots that you sent, if I wanted to back the selection when the runner had hit a back price of 2.00, on two occasions, how do I configure the trigger?

Thanks for your help and your patience.

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Re: Using "Individually per selection"
« Reply #7 on: 19 Oct 2021, 16:13 »
In that example the variable that counts the number of times a selection goes below 2.00 is my_var

so a backing trigger to back all selections that went below 2.00 at least once could be something like:

all matching selections
markets minutes since the off is greater than 0.5 (adjust to when you want to bet)
and selections back price is less than 2.00
and selections trigger expression my_var is greater than 0

if say you wanted to only back one selection with the highest number of times going below 2.00:

first matching selection
markets minutes since the off is greater than 0.5 (adjust to when you want to bet)
and selections back price is less than 2.00
and selections trigger expression my_var is greater than 0
and selections trigger expression my_var is the maximum

please test all triggers in test mode

Edit: runner hits 2.00 on two or more occasions:
and selections trigger expression my_var is equal or greater than 2  
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Re: Using "Individually per selection"
« Reply #8 on: 14 Nov 2021, 17:05 »
I am still having problems using this feature. The previous problem was resolved, but I am trying another approach, and cannot get it to work.

What I am trying to do is record the back prices of the selections at various times before the off. I guess I could use the remember function, but I want to understand how this function works.

I set up a user variable "Price_1" and set it to Individually per selection, I put a condition that the time before off is to be equal to, or less than 2 minutes.

I inserted the user variable in the engineer mode screen, and set the trigger to run.

But every time it puts the highest back price in all the selections. In the particular race I was monitoring, the outsider back price at the time of the trigger firing was 17.5, and that figure was inserted for every selection.

Is there a way that I can make it work correctly?

Thanks for you help.

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Re: Using "Individually per selection"
« Reply #9 on: 14 Nov 2021, 18:04 »
Please see attached screenshots. P2 is back price at 2 mins before the off, P1 is back price at 1 min before the off.

Also the settings screen for putting in and saving the Engineer Mode variables.
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Re: Using "Individually per selection"
« Reply #10 on: 14 Nov 2021, 18:43 »
Hi Mark,

Thanks for your rapid response. I was doing everything in the way that you suggested, however, I found the problem. It was the way that I was resetting the user variable to 0, before running the rest of the trigger.

Once I adjusted that, everything worked fine.


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