  • #1 by neilb on 25 Jun 2014
  • I have a trigger that does different things depending on the course, at the moment I have several triggers with "markets name contains xxxx" but it's getting unwieldy.

    I thought I could change to "markets name is in list xxx" and have a list of courses for each action but that doesn't seem to work.

    Please can anybody tell me where I'm going wrong?
  • #2 by mcbee on 26 Jun 2014
  • hi
    to use is in list, you need the FULL market information.
    you are better to use condition blocks, using or between each course information block.
    that way you have 1 betting trigger with all the conditions for each course.

  • #3 by neilb on 26 Jun 2014
  • Cheers mcbee.