  • #1 by seven786 on 07 Apr 2013
  • Hello,
    I would bet the outcome 1 and 2 on the first time. Then vary the bet according to the losses. Example with odds 2:
    1) back 1HT@5euro and back 2HT@​​5euro
    2) I win 1 and lose 2
    3) Next game: back 1HT@5euro and back 2HT@​​10euro
    Variable with which I can know the result of the previous event?
  • #2 by mcbee on 07 Apr 2013
  • hi
    this will give you the prev winning index number
    you have to un-tick the delete events automatically as it needs the prev winner record

  • #3 by seven786 on 17 Apr 2013
  • I can not understand how to solve. I have a game and I play in two markets (exact result / outcome). When the game ends I have to record losses for the result 0-0, 1-1 for the result, the outcome for the outcome 1 and 2. But I can not distinguish the right to increase variable. Can you help me?