Author Topic: Feature Highlights  (Read 37042 times)

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« Reply #30 on: 28 Apr 2022, 13:08 »
What is a basic indicator of how much money has been traded on a selection?

There are two basic indicators of how much money a selection has attracted so far.

A high-volume selection will have a dense graph and a minimum price gap.

Why is my trigger not placing bets? Check the logs!

I have prepared a video tutorial on how to use trigger logs for testing and debugging automated betting strategies.

Repeating betting actions with triggers – a simple case with an example

You can repeat the same trigger action over and over, and let me tell you how in a video and a trigger example.

Variable scope and how to use it for different purposes

Trigger tools include a powerful instrument called user variables. With variables, you can remember some temporary states of market, account, or application, and then change them or use them in your betting actions.

I have put together a short article explaining what variable scope is, and described possible use cases.

Dynamics of Under 0.5 goals in First Half Goals 0.5

The Under 0.5 goals graph in First Half Goals 0.5 is very predictable: it will always slope down exponentially. Let's look at BFCharts graphs together...

How to bet only in races with a predefined distance?

In order to get a market distance, load a Win market and read the value of the market variable market_length.

Feature Highlight 28/04/2022.

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Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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« Reply #31 on: 10 May 2022, 16:47 »
1. Horse racing volume before and after the off
If you look at horse racing market graphs before and after the off, you will spot a remarkable difference between the intensity of matched volume growth just before the market starts, and its rather slow inflow after the market turns In-Play.
2. Arranging market selections on the screen
You can change BetFair’s default sorting order and arrange selections the way you want it, using selection’s properties, such as:
  • ·        Rank (lowest price has the first rank)
  • ·        Volume
  • ·        Stall number
  • ·        Days since last run

3. How to place a delayed bet in MarketFeeder Pro

The exchange. i.e. BetFair, does NOT have native support for delayed bets. It will always seek to match your bet at the best possible price.
Luckily, with MarketFeeder Pro, you can place a delayed bet using a simple trigger.

4. How to spot a service break in tennis using triggers?

How to register a situation when a player lost a game they were serving in?
If you are interested how much tennis green-up strategies can earn you, check our statistical report we have generated based on thousands of real tennis markets:
Greening up the favourite player by the start of the 2nd set

5. How to place Dutching bets and green them up

Have you ever tried first placing some Dutching bets and then greening them up with profit? Easy-peasy if you have special instruments for that!
Also, I once looked into the combination of Dutching and greening up in one of my Triggers in Action:

Lay Dutching on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th favourites on horse racing with green-up

For ready-to-use profit/loss predictions for Dutching strategies in horse racing, check out:

Dutching on horses of chosen favourite ranks

6. Writing to the action log with triggers

Did you know you can use triggers to write down to the program log any information you need for later analysis, including any data you need for debugging your strategy.

Read the details (with examples and downloadable triggers) here:
Feature Highlight 09/05/2022.

Be the first to read these tips in our WhatsApp group!
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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« Reply #32 on: 31 May 2022, 16:40 »
1. When a horse gets withdrawn, what happens to the prices of other horses?

Let’s look at BFCharts graphs to see what happens to horses’ prices when one of them is withdrawn from a race.

2. Which horse Silks data are worth considering?

BetFair offers a limited set of horse background data, the so-called Silks, but even that limited information can come in handy if you are using automated bets as part of your strategy.

We’ll list the easily available Silks parameter and explain how to use them.

3. What is special about the price of 2.0?

Amongst the ladder of digital prices available for betting on an online exchange, the price 2.0 has a special meaning: it is the selection’s probability of winning divided by 100.

Therefore, the probability of winning an event for a selection with a price of 2.0 makes 100/2 = 50%!

We’ll clarify how many selections can have such price and why, as well as establish how the principle behind Place markets prices differs from that of Win markets.

If you wonder how profitable it is to bet on such favourites, we have two analytical reports in which we have already calculated the profit forecast:

Horse racing: Betting on the favourite priced below 2.0
Greyhound racing: Betting on the favourite priced below 2.0

4. Dutching on “0 – 0”, “0 – 1” and “0 – 1” in Half Time Score, then backing on Over 2.5 if the first three bets lost

This is a trigger making workshop with a step-by-step breakdown of every trigger.

Back on “0 – 0”, “0 – 1” and “1 – 0” in Half Time Score, with an aim to trade out with a 10% profit before the first goal is scored. If all three bets are lost and we could not green them up, back on Over 2.5 in Under/Over 2.5 goals to compensate the loss.

If you are immediately puzzled as to how to approach this problem, don’t worry, let’s break it down into simple tasks.

Read and watch the trigger example.

5. How to determine the number of a missing trap in a Greyhound race?

We are presenting a set of triggers that will help you determine a missing Trap number in a Greyhound race where a runner was withdrawn.

Read the details (with examples and downloadable triggers) here:

Feature Highlight 30/05/2022.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Feature Highlights - 13/12/2022
« Reply #33 on: 13 Dec 2022, 14:33 »
1. How to make sure a trigger is only executed if all relevant football markets are present in My Markets?
Learn how to prevent a trigger placing a bet only in one market if your strategy relies on several markets of the same football event, for example, if you lay in Match Odds and back in Correct Score.

2. How to send emails from MarketFeeder Pro to your Gmail account
There is a new article explaining how to use MarketFeeder Pro Email Options to send yourself email notifications whenever a trigger is executed, new bets are settled, or new actions are executed within the program.

3. How to sort selections in a trigger condition in descending order
Using this condition you can arrange the selections that have met the conditions above the sorting condition in either ascending or descending order.

4. Basketball historical markets are now available in BFCharts
You can check out last traded price/volume graphs for historical basketball markets in BFCharts if you have a PRO subscription.

5. Why it is best to avoid short user variable names
If you create a variable whose entire name is part of an in-built variable, you will confuse the variable interpreter, and the expression will not be evaluated correctly.

Read the details (with examples) here:

Feature Highlight 13/12/2022.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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