Author Topic: what is variable to back inplay when back_price x ticks greater than actual_sp?  (Read 4080 times)

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What is the variable i need to trigger a back bet when back_price is x ticks above the actual_sp inplay?
So something like selection's back_price is 10 ticks greater than actual_sp (which you can't do on market feeder pro!).
I did think about using tdiff variable but it doesn't give the same results.
I want the variable to trigger regardless of the time taken for back_price to be x ticks greater than actual_sp.
Thanks for any help provided.

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Selection's Back Price is equal or greater than r_ticks(actual_sp, 10)
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Thanks Oxa, I'll try that.
Just to learn for myself, what does r_ticks stand for; I couldn't see it on the variable list?

  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3649
It is in Operators and Functions in the manual
r_ticks(original_price, ticks)
Returns a price that is ticks higher or lower than original_price. If ticks is positive the returned price will be higher, and if it is negative the price will be lower.
For example: r_ticks(6, 4) will return 6.8, and r_ticks(4.1, -5) will return 3.8.
Note that for Asian Handicap markets a tick is equal to 0.01 regardless of the price range.
The expression r_ticks(original_price, 0) will return original_price adjusted for the correct value based on its price range. E.g. if you write r_ticks(10.17, 0), it will return 10.0, if you write r_ticks(2.57, 0), it will return 2.58 and so on.
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  • Posts: 87
Additional query:
Is there a way to use r_ticks with a range which is between 10 and 20 ticks above actual_sp?

  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3649
Selection's Back Price is between r_ticks(actual_sp, 10) and r_ticks(actual_sp, 20)
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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