Author Topic: Comparing prices taken at noon and at 20 secs before the start  (Read 5203 times)

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  • Posts: 8826
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This trigger example was suggested by a MF Pro user. It is easily formulated:

Remember the market's prices at noon (or at any fixed time during the day), then compare those prices to the one at 20 seconds before the off.

The trigger file is attached. One trigger remembers all selections of all markets anywhere between 11:59:00 and 12:01:00. The two-minutes interval is needed because there is very little chance that all markets will be refreshed at exactly 12:00:00.

The other trigger writes the net price difference and the difference in ticks to the log file. This is a placeholder trigger, so you can replace it with your own. use the formulae in the "Text" field of this trigger in your trigger conditions.

Beware of the amount of memory it'll take to remember the prices of all markets you will have in your list!
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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  • All members
  • Posts: 32
Hi, I would like to use this to back selections where the difference is 'n' but don't know how to modify the trigger.
If price difference is <='n' back at back-price, amount 100/back_price
Can anyone modify the trigger for me please?

  • Élite
  • Posts: 3698
  • Gender: Male
hi  moose
sorry ,but you need to go to make me a trigger , in the forum.
for some reason or other i cannot give the location here ?.

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