Author Topic: I've made (possibly) profit generating triggers - guess what they do and how!  (Read 198603 times)

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How to get the book% of the matched and unmatched bets each refresh?

  • by updating a user variable each new bet e.g. uservar=(uservar+match_b_book)?
  • "manually" e.g. (100/match_1_bm_backp+100/match_2_bu_backp) etc.?
  • some other way?
Thanks for doing the translation crossposting.
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Very nice question Mark.

Triggers can perform aggregate calculations, i.e. counting something or adding up, but this feature is rarely used.

I am attaching the trigger I use for getting the book% of my current bets.
It has two actions: the first one zeroes the variable, before the start of the calculation. The second one adds up the figures. You will see a long formula which in effect chooses the price of the unmatched bet if the selection has any, or the price of a matched bet if it does not.
Since this action is performed on all matching selections, in the end it will hold the total book%.

In the same manner you could calculate the average value of any selection property.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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So, for those of us that are 'trigger-writing challenged', will you be posting the full trigger? Or can you mail it me?


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And the trigger is....

The Dutching Chaser

You're welcome to download and play with it now!

But be very reasonable and DO TRY IT in Test Mode in at least 5-10 markets! Keep your bets very small until you are happy with what the triggers do. And always be ready for the losses.

My big flashing disclaimer says that I do not take any responsibility whatsoever if these triggers do not turn out to be profitable for you. I do not sell triggers let alone strategies. I made them purely for the purpose of studying the possibilities of the program.

I'd like to add a personal thank you to all of you who has participated in this thread. I enjoyed taking part in this discussion, you all did very well!
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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  • Élite
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hi oxa
thank you very much.
will you be doing one for lay dutching.

thank you again
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will you be doing one for lay dutching.

Hi mcbee,

I may, but I am concerned about what will happen to the book% if one or more of the runners are withdrawn. From another thread you started, you know that the prices of the matched bets will then be adjusted.
Like I said above, in that case the Dutching will be disrupted with no chance to recover the losses.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Hi Oxa
Thanks very much for posting the trigger. I had got about halfway and the basic structure was working OK, I just needed to link the pieces together. I will learn a lot from this trigger. For example, the method you use to calculate the book% each refresh can be modified to generate all sorts of indicators for other trading triggers.

much obliged
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

  • Élite
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hi oxa
thanks for the info.
i have converted your trigger to lay, and i am testing now, it seems to be working, only time will tell.
as for reduction factor, i dutching in the last 10 mins there is less chance of a withdrawn runner, but all the prices should alter, so the end profit should be more or less the same, because if you lay at 3.00 and the price alters due to reduction, they should all alter about the same percentage, i think  ???
so if they all drop or rise in price, the end result should be the same.

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so if they all drop or rise in price, the end result should be the same.

If one of your bets is still unmatched, you may be surprised unpleasantly, because the price of that selection will soar after the market is reduced.

Here's what I found on this topic.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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only testing over time will tell if it is long term profitable.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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For example, the method you use to calculate the book% each refresh can be modified to generate all sorts of indicators for other trading triggers.

That is true Mark.

I will think of other examples which I can turn into online lessons for the users of MF Pro. Seems to me the most of the program's functionality can be discarded because it is hard to comprehend.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Hello everyone

* Oxa .... Amazing stuff ... no words to describe it all better *

I'll leave here an idea, maybe we can all contribute and taking the moderation of Oxa.

Let's call it "Triggers Research Topic"

The aim would be to build capacity to whom this create your own strategy had this piece of code to embed on your trigger.

As MarkV says, quite rightly, thereby creating various types of indicators possible to create only by those who already have advanced capabilities in software and unfortunately many do not get to fully explore.

Basically, we would give more tools to anyone who wants to create something new, and would develop our own pacacidades by interaction with each other. As happened in this project and in my view was beautiful to see.

Not this involved creating strategies to nobody but to create tools for everyone to work and at the same time enhancing the capacities of intervention with this software.

Desenvolvedor de triggers oficial Market Feeder pro

Também faço:
Cursos sobre Market Feeder pro (gratuitos)
Triggers (gratuitos para sempre)

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Hi Oxa, Mcbee and everyone else!

I am new here, this is my first post and I am currently trialing the MF 'cause auto-bookmaking ('dutching chaser') is the thing which I am very interested in.

I tried to testing the trigger today for the first time and I didn't achieve anything and then I uploaded a video to youtube to ask you, what am I doing wrong, but later I figured out that I needed to change the const name="pyt" value="10" to something bigger. Because you can see at my video that the trigger didn't working as it should be. So finally, when I realized that I had to change that, I managed to test it properly for a few times.
Here is the video about the failed test of mine:

So, later I managed to test it and I have a few question about it:

1. I attached the latest testing (WET 17:10) where the trigger couldn't match "Shaker Style" for a long time at in-play, so it matched anyway (as it should be) at a lower price. You can see at the printscreen that on every other horses there went to 0.7 profit and on that one horse (Shaker Style) would be a -20.86 loss. At a point Shaker Style took the lead during the course, so it was a very close one. Finally Shaker Style finished at second place, but it was only luck.      I'm not allowed to post links yet...

So my question is (for you, Oxa, mainly, since you could test a little bit longer than the others 'cause it is a very new trigger) how rare is this? And what should I change in the .mft file in order to close a little bit earlier the unmatched bets during in-play?
And I saw the video where Oxa you had to face the same situation which I had and you closed it by manually. Is it worth to close manually, what do you think?
You know, because I think it is much better to suffer a small loss instead of a -20 as the above (almost happened)... What is your opinion about it, guys?

2. And my second question is where and what should I change in the .mft file if I would like to use it for in-play events, such as tennis matches? I didn't find any tennis trigger bot yet (just to remind: I downloaded the trial software 3 hours ago ;)) but I think during a tennis match, it could be useful... Is it enough to change this constant
const name="mins_to_start" value="0.1"
to something negative number (for example -60)?

Thank you all!

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Hi agatity and welcome!

At this early stage (like you said, you downloaded the program a few hours ago) I would strongly recommend you to read at least some information about the program in the manual. I certainly would advise against trying the triggers, especially such complex ones, in real mode. You need to have some understanding of how they work, how to find out why they are not working as expected, where to see the logs, what constants are etc. etc. You don't get to drive a new car until you have some experience in driving an L one, right? Do you agree it is dangerous to you in the first place?

I understand you want to get some results fast, but hold on, you'll be there. Try the simple ones first. Or at least test these triggers in horse races for a day before starting to change them.

The loss you were exposed to with "Shaker Style" is quite common. I did have bad races where nothing could be done except matching a bet at whatever price there is. More often than not though a bet would be matched after the off. That is why the trigger waits for so long. The time after which the Stop-Loss kicks in is set in the formula IF(market_length<1500, 1.0, IF(market_length<2000, 1.7, 2)) inside the conditions of the triggers "remember selections with unmatched bets at In-Play" and "Stop-Loss at In-Play".

I did not do the betting manually in the video - I let the triggers do everything automatically.

Please read my disclaimer earlier on in this topic, to avoid all kinds of disappointment.

As for your second question, yes, the triggers can run in tennis and football matches, but I doubt they will be as profitable, because with horse racing there are a lot of unpredictable intensive price fluctuations in the last 15 mins to the beginning. With football it's all about score: if it stays the same, the prices just slowly slide down or crawl up and there is no room for Dutching. Also, Betfair applies cross-matching to these markets (unlike horse races) which means they artificially kill almost all over- and underrounds.

I may try to adjust the triggers to In-Play markets though.

Let's see if other experienced users are around to help you with their advices.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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IMO the results from this trigger would be inferior during live in-play betting.  There is a high likeliehood that one or more selections would be matched at too low a price to secure profit.  Would it not be better to back any remaining selections a few seconds before scheduled start?


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