Author Topic: In-play backing on possible horse race winners in Place markets  (Read 2110 times)

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These triggers are simple yet reliable. Choose Place markets of UK and Irish races with up to 4 places on BetFair.

Back on the current favourite at 70% of the race (e.g. if the race is expected to run for 100 seconds, then back after 70 seconds have passed since the start). If any other horse gets ahead of the favourite you have backed on, back on that horse as well.

Capitalizing on the horse racing statistics we have accumulated over the years, the triggers can spot the right moment to place the bets, not too soon, not too late. You can experiment with this time by editing the special constant inside the file.

Since you will be backing in Place markets, you will often get profit from both back bets, as the horses you will be backing on may take the first and second places.

In-play backing on possible horse race winners in Place markets
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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