Author Topic: Price is equal or less than X  (Read 2605 times)

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Price is equal or less than X
« on: 03 Feb 2017, 10:10 »

If you need to bet on a selection (or do whatever you need to) if its price is equal or less than X, then you need to use a correct condition for this:

Selection's Back (Lay) Price is between 1.01 and X

As obvious as it might seem, a common mistake is to formulate this condition in the following wrong way:

Selection's Back (Lay) Price is less than X

Always bear in mind that the selection's Back price can be NULL if it is winning, and that its Lay price can be NULL if it is losing (or there is low liquidity in the market). See screenshots for demonstration.
In the above cases, your bets will be placed on wrong occasions when you are not expecting them to be triggered.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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