Author Topic: lay on the horse that went up the most  (Read 6177 times)

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lay on the horse that went up the most
« on: 03 Apr 2020, 13:05 »
Hi Oxa,

Suppose I wanted to lay on the horse that went up the most. How can I either inspect how much each horse went up and choose the one that moved the most?


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Re: lay on the horse that went up the most
« Reply #1 on: 03 Apr 2020, 14:17 »
You would need to use this condition:

Selection's Back Price Dif. over X mins is the maximum

Where X is the number of minutes over which to register the increase in price.
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Re: lay on the horse that went up the most
« Reply #2 on: 09 Apr 2020, 16:39 »

Is there documentation on this option? I cannot find it in the manual.

Thank you,

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Re: lay on the horse that went up the most
« Reply #3 on: 09 Apr 2020, 21:09 »
I've just realised that the PDF version of the manual was warped on the page where the selection's parameters were listed. That's why you could not see the Back Price Dif over ... mins parameters. Sorry about this, can't fathom how this has never been revealed before!

Please check page 129 of the updated manual.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: lay on the horse that went up the most
« Reply #4 on: 10 Apr 2020, 00:56 »
Thank you.

But ...

It looks like pdif is always zero for every runner. Is there something I need to activate to have this calculated?

I have a write to file just after placing the bet with this text: 

Selection, [sel_name], [sel_index], [sel_order], [back_price], [pdif_4], [tdif_4]

This is what gets written.

Selection BabeWired712.6800
The last two values are pdif and tdif, and both are zero.
Any guidance you can offer is welcome.
Thank you,

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Re: lay on the horse that went up the most
« Reply #5 on: 10 Apr 2020, 06:58 »
Had the market been refreshed for 4 minutes or more by the time the trigger executed the action?

Do you have the market history depth > 4 minutes?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: lay on the horse that went up the most
« Reply #6 on: 10 Apr 2020, 12:21 »

I don't know how to check market history depth. I cannot find the setting in the manual.

Any guidance you can offer is most welcome,

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Re: lay on the horse that went up the most
« Reply #7 on: 10 Apr 2020, 12:40 »

I found the setting in Monitoring Options and set it to 5.00 minutes, but I still only get zeros for all pdif and tdif values

Anything else I should check?


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Re: lay on the horse that went up the most
« Reply #8 on: 10 Apr 2020, 14:04 »

I have the races monitored starting 12 minutes before the start and have the history depth at 10 minutes and I still get all zero for all pdif and tdif.




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Re: lay on the horse that went up the most
« Reply #9 on: 10 Apr 2020, 18:07 »
I tested write to file
[sel_name], [sel_index], [sel_order], [back_price], [pdif_4], [tdif_4]
with this condition:
selections trigger expression tdif_4 is greater than 0
once per selection

the output was:

5.Docklands, 5, 9, 60.00, 10.00, 2
4.SirEarlstoun, 4, 11, 210.00, 30.00, 3
8.MaddiesHeart, 8, 12, 410.00, 230.00, 23
1.HesMccaw, 1, 8, 55.00, 7.00, 2
2.Nicalati, 2, 7, 44.00, 2.00, 1
9.OurTopLady, 9, 10, 190.00, 20.00, 2 

pdif_ and tdif_ seem ok, I would say either your trigger is writing to file before 4 minutes of monitoring (Oxa's first question), or there was no price or tick movement over the last 4 minutes before writing to file.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: lay on the horse that went up the most
« Reply #10 on: 10 Apr 2020, 20:00 »
It's a mystery to me.

Here is my trigger

Constant: bet_minutes 0.20 
Write to file
   write to a file Text: All, [sel_name], [sel_index], [sel_order], [back_price], [pdif_4], [tdif_4]
   File path: C:\
Selections: All Matching Selections 
Markets: Win Markets 
Market Status: All Except Settled 
Execute: once per selection
Conditions are met:
Market's Minutes Before the Off is less than bet_minutes

In my Monitoring Options settings:

Start monitoring 10 minutes before off
Refresh rate before off 0.25 seconds
Default market history depth 5 minutes

I still get zero pdif and zero tdif for all selections when I write to the file 12 seconds before the off.

Completely baffled.

Anything else I could be doing wrong?

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Re: lay on the horse that went up the most
« Reply #11 on: 10 Apr 2020, 22:11 »
I set the test trigger as per yours and changed the settings to match yours, it works ok
WestEndCharmer, 1, 1, 1.78, 0.03, 3
EdinburghCastle, 2, 2, 3.60, -0.40, -8
Durston, 3, 3, 9.60, 2.00, 10
Accredited, 4, 4, 28.00, 3.00, 3
DukeOfDunabar, 5, 5, 65.00, 0.00, 0
Riverina, 6, 6, 190.00, -80.00, -8
MysticalJadeite, 7, 7, 1000.00, 0.00, 0

a few things you can check:
is the trigger actually firing 12 secs before the off and not as soon as the market starts refreshing
change the market view to full mode, can you see values in the price dif over x mins
lastly try opening a new profile with the default settings and see if it works in the new profile

attached is the test trigger I used  
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: lay on the horse that went up the most
« Reply #12 on: 11 Apr 2020, 13:48 »
Thank you all for your help.

I've got it working now.

Woo hoo!


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