I tested write to file
[sel_name], [sel_index], [sel_order], [back_price], [pdif_4], [tdif_4]
with this condition:
selections trigger expression tdif_4 is greater than 0
once per selection
the output was:
5.Docklands, 5, 9, 60.00, 10.00, 2
4.SirEarlstoun, 4, 11, 210.00, 30.00, 3
8.MaddiesHeart, 8, 12, 410.00, 230.00, 23
1.HesMccaw, 1, 8, 55.00, 7.00, 2
2.Nicalati, 2, 7, 44.00, 2.00, 1
9.OurTopLady, 9, 10, 190.00, 20.00, 2
pdif_ and tdif_ seem ok, I would say either your trigger is writing to file before 4 minutes of monitoring (Oxa's first question), or there was no price or tick movement over the last 4 minutes before writing to file.