  • #1 by chilli on 27 Sep 2017
  • Hi Guys.

    I've seen a writing to excel trigger will probably do what I need. You're much better at it than me though:)

    So I need a trigger that will simply list all the days horse racing selections and their prices in two columns in a sheet called say MFP Prices. Headers to be called Horse Name & Price.

    I also need to be able to be able to set/change a refresh option from between 10 minutes and say 1 minute. 

    That's it really 

    Hope you can help.
  • #2 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 29 Sep 2017
  • Hello!

    Here's your trigger example:

    Feeding all markets' prices to Excel
  • #3 by bamthwok on 12 Jun 2018
  • Hi Oxa,

    Can you please advise how "sel_index-1" works:


    I figured out that "sel_index-1" identifies the number of runners in a market and writes to Excel one line per runner. But "-1" also subtracts value 1 from the value in the formula.

    Above formula would not work like that: horse_sheet!A(my_sidx+sel_index-1), right?

    Can you please explain the logic of "sel_index-1". In custom cells we can work with "sel_ind ex*3+1" for example. 

    The whole write to excel trigger is hard to understand without knowing how sel_index-1 works.

    Are there more expressions using sel_index with special functions?


  • #4 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 15 Jun 2018
  • Hello!

    The variable sel_index holds the index of the current selection, not the number of runners in the market.

    The "-1" has to do with the counting of lines to start from my_sidx, and not from my_sidx+1, as it would be the case if you did not subtract 1 from sel_index (as sel_index starts from 1).