Author Topic: Project X - Double Dutch (GB Greyhounds Only) v3.0 FREE for 5 days  (Read 7758 times)

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Hi Everyone,

Welcome to Double Dutch (GB Greyhounds Only) v3.0 FREE for 5 days (Until Friday 05/10/18), then will cost £10 p/w to a maximum of 20 people.

This has been back-tested using Time Machine (Please note: In  the the real world some bets could be unmatched)
I will not accept resposibility for monies lost using this trigger, and kindly ask that you test this in TEST mode FIRST to check that your happy with the settings.

This trigger contains a huge amount of constants (Refer to last thread for instructions), but they are all set at the best profitable settings (According to the data i have in Time Machine). Changing any of these are at your own risk, again i wont be held responsible.
Please only bet with money you can afford to lose.

So the trigger works by placing 2 sets of dutching bets (not at the same time) but when you hit a loser it will switch.

The way this is set up it will place 3 bets on (1,2,3 fav) if that wins it will stick with the (1,2,3 Fav), if it loses it will switch to 3 bets on the (2,3,4 Fav) if it loses it will again place 3 bets on (2,3,4 Fav) if it wins then it will stick with the (2,3,4 Fav) but if it loses it will revert back to the (1,2,3 Fav) and the process starts again.

Inital stake is set at £2.00 if you get a loss then the bet size will increase (Lay UPDOWN) by 1 point, assuming here you got a win on the next bet then the next stake will be 50% of your previous market profit (Parlay) at the same time your Initial stake is set to Zero, and (Lay UPDOWN) will be reset, this will keep beting 50% of profit in next 4 bets, if you hit a loser within these 4 bets then you only lose 50% of your profit to that point, but you can change this in the constants to be more or less (whatever rocks your boat), after the 4 winning bets it reverts back to your Initial stake, and if you hit a loser in the sequence you revert back to Initial stake but (Lay UPDOWN) will kick in again.
Please be aware that in the real world some bets may stay unmatched, I have set strategy to take SP to try to eliminate sme of the risk, but this will depend on the size of your stakes (subject to betfairs minimum SP stake), you can also use settings in marketfeeder to match unmatched bets x secs before the off (Refer to marketfeeder manual here though).
To buy Please send me an email at [email protected], and i will send you instructions on how and where to send payment, but i will also need your Current Software Key, you can get this by clicking Trigger Editor and clicking current software key in the top right hand side of your screen.

I will be setting up a website to make this a little easier in the future.

Any questions, please ask and any problems please say, your feedback is important to making this successful and we will all make some real money for once (or why the hell are you here!)

Email: [email protected]

Thank You and Good Luck!
Kev (Project X)

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Trigger File Attached.

Password: projectx

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Hi all,

Please use this trigger file, as with the last one I had reports it stopped placing bets, I have tested this trigger and it never stopped once placing bets, so I have recompiled I and hopefully this remedies the issue, if anyone has any issues such as this one or others please email me: [email protected]

Password is: projectx

Thank You

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What ROI% have you achieved in testing and live betting?

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What ROI% have you achieved in testing and live betting?
Hi there,
During testing in time machine it was a return of 90% using these new settings Ive provided in this post. as for Live betting due to the fact these are new settings its impossible to give a clear picture yet as it is too early.

And to everyone, please now download this new version v3.0.1 this is using a different set of favourites, has produced profit all day in live betting, but please test it in TEST Mode First, and feel free to add your personal touch using constants but that is at your own risk.
Trial Extended now until Saturday 6th October 2018.
Any Problems, Please email me [email protected]

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Are there any particular settings recommended to run your triggers? Also do we simply load all UK greyhound markets for the day?

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Are there any particular settings recommended to run your triggers? Also do we simply load all UK greyhound markets for the day?
you need to load the win markets for gb greyhounds.
The settings ive set are simply what ive come up with, feel free to adjust and test your own also. But im having issues with getting the protected version to place bets. Could anyone let me know if its working for them?

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Your update doesn't request the password and shows no constants when opened with Triggers Editor, so doubt if it will work.

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And I've just noticed the file is 0 kb, so not surprising it doesn't work.

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And I've just noticed the file is 0 kb, so not surprising it doesn't work.
Hi Rubold,
Your right this wont work, Im not sure why this happened but I am releasing a new version that's completely reworked, as there was also issue's with staking, I will start a NEW thread once am happy with it, will also offer it for 5 days free again.
Thank you everyone for looking, and sorry for the problems, new version will be posted to a new thread so you will now need v3.1.

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Hi all,

Please dont download any of the above triggers as there WAS a serious flaw in the staking plan.

I have also now removed Parlay, alot of people didnt really get this so to keep it simple ive removed it and replaced lay updown and called it multi updown, the idea is eacb time you win your stake is reduced by x points to a minimum which you can set, you can also set the starting points in the constants, the idea is that you will lose eventually so why not lose a smaller amount? Then make it back again.


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Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE