Hi There,
I have Developed a Trigger and I called it Project X - Double Dutch and here goes;
FREE BETWEEN 21-9-18 - 28-8-18
Edit these constants to make it works how you like, they are set at default settings.
General -
Time to bet - Enter how many SECONDS before the off you want to bet
Min Runners - Enter the minimum number of runners in a race before bet is placed
Min Volume - The minimum amount matched in the current market (Set to 0 to disable)
MAX SET 'A' - Enter how many losing bets in Dutch Set A before Set B is Triggered
MAX SET 'B' - Enter how mnay losing bets in Dutch Set B before Set A is Triggered
Overrounds - Check if book is formed before bet is placed
> Min Back Book % - Default is set to 100% (set to 0 to disable)
> Max Back Book % - Default is set to 115% (set to 1000 to disable)
> Min Lay Book % - Default is set to 85% (set to 0 to disable)
> Max Lay Book % - Default is set to 100% (set to 1000 to disable)
Skip Favourite
> Skip Fav 1 - Skip if the 1st favourite is less than {price} set at 1.01 to disable
> Skip Fav 2 - Skip if the 2nd favourite is less than {price} set at 1.01 to disable
> Skip Fav 3 - Skip if the 3rd favourite is less than {price} set at 1.01 to disable
Dutch Set - Which set to bet with first, 1= SET A; 2= SET B.
Back / Lay Ratio - In TICKS the maximum difference between Back Price and LAy Price per selection.
> SET A 1 - favourite selection 1
> SET A 2 - favourite selection 2
> SET A 3 - favourite selection 3 (to dutch 2 selections set to 0)
> SET A 4 - favourite selection 4 (OR to dutch 3 selections set this to 0)
> SET B 1 - favourite selection 1
> SET B 2 - favourite selection 2
> SET B 3 - favourite selection 3 (to dutch 2 selections set to 0)
> SET B 4 - favourite selection 4 (OR to dutch 3 selections set this to 0)
Minimum Back Price - The minimum back price of ANY favourite
Maximum Back Price - The minimum back price of ANY favourite
----- STAKING -----
Inital Stake - Set your stake amount here
Dutch Stake Type - set to 1 for Liability or set to 2 for Amount to win
> Loss UP - Increase bet size by X on losing bet
> Win DOWN - Decrease bet size by X on winning bet
> Max Points - The Maximum amount of points in any bet (set to 0 to disable Lay UPDOWN)
Max winning bets - The maximum amount of winning bets to accumulate stake.
Percent of profit - The X% of profit to be used in next bet (set to 0 to disable PARLAY)
Set stake to 0 - Set this to 0 to keep main stake, or 1 to ignore main stake on next bet once profit is made
Min Selections - The MINIMUM amount of selections that meet all other conditions to place bet
Max Seelections - The MAXIMUM amount of selections that meet all other conditions to place bet
Min Overround - The MINIMUM overround of qualified selections (set to 0 to disable)
Max Overround - The MAXIMUM overround of qualified selections (set to 0 to disable)
----- READ ONLY -----
Please do not change, edit or delete these values, as in doing so will cause
the trigger not to work.
----- OTHER INFO -----
The Dutching triggers are set to take best available Back price, and are also set
to 'Take SP' whereby on SP markets if 1 bet is not matched, this should reduce losses.
I do hope that you get all bets matched all the time but this is not the case for many people
who are dutching, You may want to only bet in High Liquid markets for that reason, but that is
not mine or the Market Feeder software's fault and as a result neither will accept responsibility
for monies lost using my trigger or the software.
There has also been times when setting min selections to 3, it will only bet on 2
which clearly is not the intended purpose, im not sure why this happens but i think
it could be a fault in the software, if anyone has any suggestions on this and would like
to help please email me on
[email protected].
Please only bet with money you can afford to lose and Gamble resposibly.
Donations are welcome, please use paypal and send them to
[email protected]WARNING: I do intend to sell this system in the future if it proves popular and donations
dont cover the costs of my time.
If all goes well, i maybe able to create more triggers, so good luck!