Author Topic: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds  (Read 10321 times)

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Hi there,

Well its been a long time since my last release (joking!), but let me introduce you to the all new all singing all dancing v3.1.0 of Double Dutch.

Problems with staking (Fixed!)
Problems with not making money (Fixed!)

Im not trying to sell an untested system here but let me assure you I have ran this through a lot of tests and it works from first bet to last bet, obviously there are some things missing now but I have hard wired the best and only most profitable settings in this trigger.

Give it a go you get it free or 5 days, then its a tiny £10 per week (Maximum of 20 people here though so make sure you get your name down!) If you find yourself landing here after the 5 days have expired drop me a email on [email protected] and I will send you it with an extended 5 days.


Instead of betting on the same 2 Favourites all day long, this trigger will switch them round based on losing markets, its good at this it actually improves a Strike rate of 40% to a whopping 60%, which means more money, initially I had this betting on 3 favourites it struggled to break even, but this will bet on only 2 favourites and make more money, and that means 1 less bet to get matched Get IN!


The simple staking layout in the constants is easy to read and work out, but weve removed parlay and raplaced lay updown with multi updown, its the same only that it has a few more parameters to get out of losing runs without losing your bank, its impossible!


This hasn't failed to make me a profit yet in real mode, but I must warn you that you will have good days and not so good days, this is no ones fault but its your own luck (that is the way this game goes) so I must say this, Only bet with money you can afford to lose, don't remortgage your home, don't take out a payday loan, or you will lose more than you bargained for! and lastly Gamble Responsibly!


Market Settings;
> Time to bet (enter the time in minutes before the off to bet)
> Min Volume (Minimum matched amount in current market before bet)
> Overrounds (Check the market is fully formed before bet)
> Skip Favs 1,2,3 (Enter your preffered prices here)
Selection Settings;
> Dutch set to start with (Enter either 1 or 2 here or leave as is)
> Min/Max price (of selections to bet on)
Dutching stake (Enter the amount to win or lose here)
Dutch stake type (Either amount to win or lose [liability])
> Enabled? (1 for on 2 for off)
> Start points (Bet with x points on first bet)
> Max points (Maximum points in any one bet)
> Min Points (Minimum points in any one bet)
> Increase points by x on losing market (Increases stake on market loss)
> Decrease points by x on losing market (Decreases stake on market win)
> After X losses in row (enter how many losing bets in a row here to change points at)
> Change current points (enter the points to revert to once you have had X losses in a row)
> Set Qaulified Selections Min/Max (Min Max selections that sattisfy criteria before bet is placed)
> Set Overrounds Min/Max (Enter the min max dutch book here)
Safety Settings
> Safety loss type (Enter what loss stop type you need here)
> Safety max losses (Enter the the amount of losing bets before Switch is triggered)
> Safety When x losing bets (Enter what you want bot to do when max losses reached)

Changing any settings are possible except the favourites or sequence, but if you do so please accept that I am not responsible for any money lost!

Password is: projectx (all lowercase here)

Also if betting below betfair minimum of £2.00 then go into MFPRO settings and tick allow small bets!

That's it so to buy after 5 days drop me a email on [email protected], it will cost £10 per week and will be limited to 20 subscribers (You are urged to get on the list early, please just send me a email with your name and a hello and your done!)


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Re: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds
« Reply #1 on: 05 Oct 2018, 18:51 »

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Re: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds
« Reply #2 on: 05 Oct 2018, 20:02 »
Hi there,

I honestly don't know why this is happening, im going to try and upload it again and can confirm its 158KB, if this doesn't work there must be an issue with the board.

If file size is 0kb here then please email me [email protected] and I will send it personally to you.


Password: projectx

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Re: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds
« Reply #3 on: 05 Oct 2018, 20:40 »
Hi please don't download the last one, I have come across issues again with staking, I know what this is and working to get the new one uploaded tonight.

I am really the unluckiest person alive here atm, so sorry about this but its not a major issue, just a blip (I wish I had beta testers right now!)


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Re: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds
« Reply #4 on: 05 Oct 2018, 22:07 »

Could someone please just try this out, to see if your getting the same issue, after a losing bet it increases the stake?

I have tried to make this trigger to run completely independent from other instances of MFPRO and it seems the issue ive got is because I have had multiple instances running.

If you could take a look and try it out whoever helps and helps me fix the issue will get 2 weeks free for their time.


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Re: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds
« Reply #5 on: 06 Oct 2018, 08:12 »
I will try it for the weekend. Bang it over to me. Larp

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Re: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds
« Reply #6 on: 06 Oct 2018, 11:56 »
Hi all,

Please use this version Double Dutch v3.1.1, fixed a couple of things and added triggers to force match bets when left unmatched.

If the file size is 0kb, then I will post again so checkout next post if this is the case, not sure why this happenes, but it does!

Good Luck!


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Re: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds
« Reply #7 on: 06 Oct 2018, 12:44 »
Hi so sorry, please only use this one.


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Re: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds
« Reply #8 on: 06 Oct 2018, 14:53 »
Just an update,

Ive got this running (the last one ive posted) in real mode for past few hours all running well and winning, if anyone else is having any issues though then drop me an email [email protected]


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Re: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds
« Reply #9 on: 06 Oct 2018, 16:35 »
Trigger not firing for me (allow small bets enabled).
Downloaded the latest file and used as is....

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Re: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds
« Reply #10 on: 06 Oct 2018, 20:38 »
Trigger not firing for me (allow small bets enabled).
Downloaded the latest file and used as is....
Hi imidgy,
Ive had 2 people with this complaint, not sure as yet whats going on but will try to fix it as soon as possible, also is there anyone else having this issue?
So sorry about this but ive not had the problem my end, but obviously there is a issue and i will look into it.

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Re: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds
« Reply #11 on: 06 Oct 2018, 21:40 »
Latest version working fine for me

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Re: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds
« Reply #12 on: 10 Oct 2018, 15:53 »

I wont be supporting this trigger anymore if theres a lack of intrest or profitability, it seemed to work for me for months then it worked in time machine but then it stopped being profitable, put this down to luck but if anyone still wantd this i will personally provide updates and the price for this will now be £20 per calander month.

BUT i will this time nlt go down with my ship, ive been working on something that is very profitable and will release this as soon as full testing is released, i ran it in real mode today its made me £100 since 11:00, it was something i didnt expect to work but still requires testing in time machine and over different periods and if youve ever used time machine you know how long to takes just to load markets in although its profitable to date, still got to look at long term profitability, this will be £10 per week upto now but time will tell its true value, also still only going to allow 20 people to buy this with a 3 day free trial.

Thanks everyone for your intrest in double dutch but it seems that has now sunk and been eaten up by betfair :'(.


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Re: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds
« Reply #13 on: 22 Jan 2020, 15:13 »
Hi Kevin,

How have things been going? I am curious to know. Also, you talked about a new system that was in
the making. Did it get of the ground? Can I trial it?
Thanks already for the info.

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Re: Project X - Double Dutch v3.1.0 (Reworked) GB Greyhounds
« Reply #14 on: 24 Jan 2020, 20:23 »
Hello! The trigger requires a password, can I take it for a test?


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