Author Topic: Project X - TOOLS  (Read 4079 times)

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Project X - TOOLS
« on: 14 Oct 2018, 00:00 »
Hi there,

I have a couple of tools ive developed im willing to sell.

These tools analyse markets either real time or time machine and output data into csv format to file.

These tools are mainly for gb greyhounds but i am willing to for the same price make them fit for any purpose.

1st; which favourite won after last winning favourite
-- This tool tells you how many times a a fav position won after another one 1, e.g fav position 2 won 20 times after fav position 1 won but outpits results in table for all favs £50

2nd; which trap did a patticular fav win in.
-- This tool tells you how many times each favourite won in a particular trap but outputs results for all favs and traps £75

3rd; min/max and average odds of all fav positions
-- This tool outputs the min/max and average winning back odds for all fav positons in a table it also tells you how many times that favourite won, this is good to keep running so u can adjust odds over time on your strategy £100

Also i can do anything you like so please dont hesitate to ask prices range from £25 to £100 depending on the amount of work.

All these triggers are sold unprotected.

Email me: [email protected] and i can tailor any of these triggers for your needs, or post on forum ofcourse or private message me its fine.



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