Author Topic: Trigger Swap anyone?  (Read 4994 times)

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Trigger Swap anyone?
« on: 31 Oct 2012, 23:41 »
I am considering to swap a winning trigger for a winng trigger in another sport.

I have one that operates in Australain horse racing. I have 4 years of non-bot results (that is evidence from just races that the bot bets in). I also have about 6mths of actual bot results.

Pls note I did write 'considering'.

I am sure you as the swapor and me as the swapee would both need to be very comforatble with what we are about the swap. I haven't protected and hiden yet but will read up on it if I need to.

I would like another sport. Greyhounds or UK horses racing. I am based in Australia so in-play sports are not an option.

If any is interested we can PM details and go from there.

Improvise Adapt Overcome


Please note, BetFair is seems to be currently OFFLINE