Author Topic: "Import Selections from file" odd behaviour for imported_1  (Read 1030 times)

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  • Posts: 154
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I have a text file with the following names (horses) and numbers (odds) separated by a single tab character

"Reeceltic" 4.50
"Sassi Neri" 3.00
"Legend Of Xanadu" 3.25
"Zephina" 3.75
"Away Wit Da Fairys" 11.00

When I examine imported_1 in the User Variables window, it only reports the odds value if the selection happens to be s_1 (as shown in the attachment).  I get the same problem with "Away Wit Da Fairys" which is currently s_3.

This can't be right surely?  Why can I only see an imported value if the selection happens to be top of the list (s_1) as shown in Betfair?



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  • Posts: 154
  • Gender: Male
Scratch that!

Just realised/remembered the User Variables window requires the s_2_imported_1 to view the variable - Doh!




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