Author Topic: 2 PC's running but the same trigger is not executing on both machines  (Read 5040 times)

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Hi All

Myself and my parents are both running separate copies of the software with exactly the same trigger and exactly the same settings but for some reason i may trigger a bet when theirs does not.

The trigger is set to bet before the race starts so it is not that the in play option is a factor.

Does anyone know why this happens and if there is anything that can be done to change it?


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Could you compare both sets of trigger logs at the point in time where the trigger on your computer fired? If a trigger does not fire it is because the trigger conditions were not met and that will be recorded in the logs.
or are you saying the second computer does not trigger at all?
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Hi Mark

No the second PC does not trigger at all.

The only setting i have changed in the trigger is that the bet is placed before the race and not in play as is standard on the Laypro88 trigger.

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It sounds like a settings or antivirus / firewall issue, but to confirm that, please try the attached test trigger, in test mode, on the second computer. It is a very simple trigger that lays the second favourite at 1 minute before the start, and writes an entry to the progam log.

If this trigger fires on the machine in question, then the problem is in the trigger or settings, and I will look at it further.

By the way, have you checked the program log? Look for red highlighted error entries e.g. insufficient funds, below minimum bets etc..
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Ok thank you i will try this and see what happens.

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Not sure if i am being a bit thick i am trying to save the trigger file but clicking the save icon on the page nothing happens?

Since my last message, i have moved my software to Tagadab VPS because of the potential firewall issue.

However yesterday my parents running on a home PC had 6 races triggered and i had 1 race triggered with exactly the same LAYPRO88 settings, in fact they are running £1 per race more than me, both accounts have funds to cover so not sure what is going on.

If you can advise how i save the trigger logs from yesterday i will send these to you.

Today i will my my VPS software in demo mode using the sample trigger you sent and send the trigger logs tomorrow for this as well.


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If you click the save button at the top of the Triggers editor window, it will save the file in: C:\users\username\Marketfeeder Pro 8\Triggers.  It will not, however, load it into the program.  To do this you need to click on the Reload button, in the Active Triggers window.

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Sorry i might have mislead you.

Ok with adding the test trigger.

The problem i am having is extracting the Trigger datafiles for the days racing. Click the save button on the trigger logs page and nothing happens.

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In your last post you indicate triggering is working on both platforms (but with differences). If it was a firewall or antivirus problem, there could be no triggering on that machine, as you mentioned a few posts earlier. If it was a firewall or antivirus issue, the resolution would be to allow MarketFeeder full access through all security software. The simple test trigger was to just determine if any triggering happens.

I'd say you can discard the test trigger, as triggering clearly operates on both platforms.

Regarding the differences using the same trigger on both platforms, using test mode, try widening some of the constants in the trigger file to see if more races are triggered, for example the default laypro88 trigger requires a minimum number of runners per race of 10, you could reduce that to 6 for testing? Also have a look at the constants for minimum and maximum odds range etc. Is your market refresh rate the same on both?

I just tried the saving logs to file button and it brings up a "save as" window. Have a look under any open windows you have, or do you run multiple monitors, it could be on another screen?
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Hi Mark

Thanks for the reply.

Yes both trigger and agree it cant be a firewall issue, parents PC has full firewall and windows defender and the VPS i am using just has the basic windows firewall with no anti virus.

It is just odd that yesterday they had 5 triggers and i had 1 on the VPS.

Ok i will try changing the trigger as you advise and test.

The refresh rates are set to 4 seconds on both, i wonder if this is something to do with it as we changed both our triggers to Idle or Suspended to prevent in play betting. Shall we both change to 1 second refresh? Other than that the trigger is same as standard in the software.

The log files i am trying to download from the VPS with just a single screen, so cannot work out what is going on there. I will have another go from a laptop to see if they will download.

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The default trigger is set to fire 1 min before the off, if you have a market refresh of 4 secs, the trigger has approx. 15 opportunities to try and meet all the conditions. So yes, I'd suggest for your settings:
start monitoring events at 2 minutes before the off
default idle refresh rate of 1 second
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Hi Mark

Ok thank you just changed the settings and saved them. The refresh rate on the main screen is still showing 4 seconds even after rebooting the software? Still says 1 second in the settings are though is this ok?

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You need to delete any markets in My Markets and reload them after the settings change.
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Perfect sorted

Lets see what happens

Thanks for your help with this


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