Author Topic: Write to Excel  (Read 3306 times)

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Write to Excel
« on: 04 Aug 2018, 12:29 »
Could I ask for assistance please.

I would like to write to excel the sel_order of every runner at 10 secs before the start.

The destination text is OK (column P) as P(sel_index*3+1), but the text for the request has me baffled.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Write to Excel
« Reply #1 on: 04 Aug 2018, 20:49 »
sorry but for me the sel_order can only be done within the market monitored (maybe i am wrong ? ) , please can you include your trigger so that i can test it and give advice , also why do you want to use the sel_order .

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Re: Write to Excel
« Reply #2 on: 05 Aug 2018, 14:55 »
Thanks mcbee. There is no trigger at this stage as such, but I do my betting through excel connected to MFP, and I just wanted to know if I could write sel_order to excel. It would make it easier than writing the prices to excel, then ranking them using formulae.

And the more formulae you include in the worksheet slows up excel, which is a common complaint about Excel.

If it can't be done, so be it.

Thanks for your response.


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Re: Write to Excel
« Reply #3 on: 05 Aug 2018, 20:49 »
Just wondering if a Custom Cell will do what you want. In the attached screenshot sel_order is written to column M. If you wanted these values in column P the Cell Address for the Custom Cell will be S16:1 
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Re: Write to Excel
« Reply #4 on: 06 Aug 2018, 01:04 »

Thanks for responding.

I already do that. My specific problem is that I want to catch the value at 10 secs before the off. As you will be aware, race starts can be delayed for many reasons, and if I have backed the 3rd fav (say), it may not have been the 3rd fav when the race started, so when I look at my results, I might see that I have backed the 2nd fav at start time. Hence my stats can never be accurate.

I simply want to "freeze" prices and sel_order at 10 secs, back the selection based on those values, and my stats will be as exact as they can be when I transfer the data to my stats sheet.

I hope I have explained that correctly, and thanks again for your input.


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Re: Write to Excel
« Reply #5 on: 06 Aug 2018, 08:01 »
Hi bobh
This trigger should do it:

write to excel
text: sel_order
cell address: querymarket_id!P(sel_index*3+1)
all matching selections
once per market
condition: markets minutes before the off is less than 0.17

edit: or as an option you can write the sel_order for the selection you backed at the moment of backing by adding a second action to your backing trigger:
write to excel, text: sel_order, cell address: querymarket_id!P(sel_index*3+1)
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Re: Write to Excel
« Reply #6 on: 07 Aug 2018, 00:11 »
Hi again Mark,

Thanks so much for your help.

I had previously tried that suggestion, and I got a bit fat nothing in Column P. It did baffle me at the time, so maybe I used an incorrect spelling or derivation. I will try it again.

Using Excel for betting is never the best solution for a difficult trigger, but for a "tech-stressed" old guy like me, it is sometimes the best solution!

The more data you download into an Excel spreadsheet, the slower the response through the trigger. In the past, I have designed spreadsheets using the "write to Excel" command where it has taken more than 10 secs for the cells to populate. That produces its own difficulties when you want to place a bet close to start time.

The search for the perfect trigger will continue.


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Re: Write to Excel
« Reply #7 on: 07 Aug 2018, 06:06 »
Further to my last response, I re-tried your suggestion, and it seems to be working. A re-examination of the trigger I wrote at the time shows me that I omitted the exclamation sign!

So all looks OK now, until next time.

Thanks for your help again.



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