Author Topic: A few questions about sorting order  (Read 3580 times)

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A few questions about sorting order
« on: 02 Jul 2017, 21:22 »
Hi Everyone

A few questions I've got about sorting order:

1: If I sort selections by anything does it sort them with the order being high to low or low to high?  eg if I sort by actual_sp then is selection 1 the horse with the shortest price or the longest? Similarly if I sort by silk_weight is selection 1 the horse with the lowest weight or the highest?

2: If I have sorted by something (lets say silk_weight) and then I put in a condition that refers to 'the favourite', is the sorting order still active and 'the favourite' refers to the horses sorted by weight, or does 'the favourite' always refer to the horse with the shortest price?

3: If I have created a sorting order does using r_1 as a prefix refer to the 1st selection as defined by the sorting order, or does r_1 always refer to the 1st selection as sorted by price?

4: Does sorting order effect all conditions after it in a trigger block, and if so do you need to put a new sorting order defined by back_price to revert to the default sorting order based on price for further conditions in the trigger?

Thanks if anyone's got the definitive answers.

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Re: A few questions about sorting order
« Reply #1 on: 02 Jul 2017, 22:47 »
Hi armarni

1. sorting order is low to high, lowest first highest last

2. favourite is always the selection with lowest back price in the market

3. r_ prefix is selections rank in the list of all market selections sorted by back price r_1_ being the fav.
Use matching selection variables to access the selections in the new sorting order. For example, top 3 sorted by Actual SP:
selections sorting order is defined by actual_sp
and selections trigger expression match_index is between 1 and 3

4. I think that depends on what you want to do, conditions are a filtering process.
another example, to find the selection with the lowest current back price in the top 3 Actual SPs:
selections sorting order is defined by actual_sp
and selections trigger expression match_index is between 1 and 3
and selections sorting order is defined by back_price
and selections trigger expression match_index is equal to 1
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Re: A few questions about sorting order
« Reply #2 on: 03 Jul 2017, 06:23 »
Hi Mark

Thanks for the detailed answers, that all makes sense.

much appreciated.

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Re: A few questions about sorting order
« Reply #3 on: 03 Jul 2017, 16:38 »
Thank you both for the interesting conversation.
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Re: A few questions about sorting order
« Reply #4 on: 26 Mar 2019, 22:40 »

I know this is an old thread but how would i go about the following:

1. Selections with back_price between 2 and 6
2. Then Selections with back_unmatched and lay_unmatched = 0
3. Then Ordered by traded volume (Lowest to highest)
4. Then Weight of money his the highest

So basically, i only want to look at a selection which meets 1 to 4 above.

Do you do them in reverse selection. i.e. 4, 3, 2, 1 or ?


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Re: A few questions about sorting order
« Reply #5 on: 27 Mar 2019, 07:37 »
Selection's Back Price is between 2 and 6
and Selection's back_unmatched + lay_unmatched is equal to 0
and Selection's Sorting order is defined by volume
and Selection's Weight of Money is the maximum

You have pretty much said it all yourself. :)
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