Author Topic: account history  (Read 6479 times)

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account history
« on: 19 Nov 2014, 21:10 »
Hi, can you tell me where exactly does MFP reference the information related to account history - and therefore relevant to staking plans ? I have been using the following dutching staking formula in amount on my trigger but seem to be getting some very odd amounts in the last_lost and last_won parts of my formula when I check the trigger log. The last won seems to reference to a market settled days ago rather than the most recently settled market with a profit. Ive tried, in settings, resetting the history by checking the retrieve account statement from ( today ) box but when I open up the statements from the main interface all the previous days statements are still there, i thought it would clear them ?
Does it reference from the my markets page , I haven't checked the delete markets when settled box in settings so I am accumulating a lot of undeleted markets now and am unsure when using a staking plan when it is actually ok to delete a finished and settled market from this page without messing up the account history?
Also is the last bit of the formula the best way of recouping commission from my winnings ?
Many thanks


  • Élite
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Re: account history
« Reply #1 on: 20 Nov 2014, 07:57 »
in the general settings, tick delete events on exit.
if you want to start the day fresh with no loss or profit from the last day, then make a new trigger to reset Win/Lose history,no condition, set the trigger to one time only.
if you want to continue from the last days profit/loss, then you do not need a new trigger,in the general options, select retrieve data that are not older than  ( set to 1 )

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Re: account history
« Reply #2 on: 20 Nov 2014, 14:53 »
Thanks for that. If I want to carry p/l from previous day over and I also delete events on exit, will the programme still get the information it needs about the previous day ? I.e is the information gathered from account history tab or from the my market tab ?
Still don't get why if I tick the get history from todays date then restart the program, all the previous days events are still there when I click on the date on the account statement page.
thanks again.

  • Élite
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Re: account history
« Reply #3 on: 20 Nov 2014, 15:37 »
the events in the my markets are different than the statement history.
the satement history only use's the bet vlaues etc.
the events in my markets once finished are dead and no longer required.

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Re: account history
« Reply #4 on: 21 Nov 2014, 15:12 »
Thanks, I deleted the markets on exit and also checked the retrieve data not older than box and set this to 3 days as thats how far back i want the programme to look at my account statement, however when i restarted it and checked the account statement tab after the first bet today, it has retrieved all statements that are older (rather than NOT older than ) than 3 days ie todays then the next one is Monday's statement with all the last 3 days missing- I'm presuming this is a bug in the new release that urgently needs sorting ?

  • Élite
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Re: account history
« Reply #5 on: 22 Nov 2014, 17:28 »
the retrieve data has nothing to do with viewable statements, viewable statements are seperate.
when you tick the retrieve data, you are telling the bot to look at data not older than x days.
ALL your statements will be there to look at, whenever you want to.

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Re: account history
« Reply #6 on: 22 Nov 2014, 21:44 »
not sure what's going on, i now have delete events on exit ticked, retrieve records from 17/11/14 ticked but the first days bet today completely ignored yesterdays loss and started from scratch again rather than recovering it as per my expression

  • Élite
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Re: account history
« Reply #7 on: 23 Nov 2014, 14:51 »
in the general settings,in account statement.
tick Refresh account statement
select the          retrieve data not older than    , and set it to  1
tick Ignore withdrawals and deposits

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Re: account history
« Reply #8 on: 25 Nov 2014, 14:23 »
Hi, did all that, and today first bet has again ignored the losses in the sequence from yesterday and started all over again from the beginning instead of recouping. Im pretty sure the formula is right.

 This is driving me nuts !Overall yesterday was in profit, but the last two markets were losers, last_lost and  losses refer to the amount and number of losses since the last win ( which was yesterday ) don't they ?
Ive attached the trigger and settings

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Re: account history
« Reply #9 on: 27 Nov 2014, 15:15 »
Hi, theres definitely a bug in the programme here, just tried ticking the retrieve records not older than box and setting it at 2 days instead of one, and lo and behold it does the opposite and retrieves records that are ONLY older than 2 days and starts the account history from there  ( Ie. from Tuesday, missing out Wednesday altogether , today is Thursday ) rather than including the last 2 days and ignoring records that are older than that.

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Re: account history
« Reply #10 on: 03 Dec 2014, 13:27 »
Hi , is anyone any further with this or am I the only one with this issue ?

  • Élite
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Re: account history
« Reply #11 on: 04 Dec 2014, 19:15 »
sorry, but i use the retreive data that are not older than 1 day all the time and it works ok, yesterdays's statement is there and the losses etc.
we need to go back to basics to see what the problem is.
i have your trigger and settings, so i can now work with them.
last_lost = the TOTAL loss amount for all losses since the last win
last_won = the TOTAL won amount since the last loss
last_loss is NOT the last loss amount from the last selection/bet combined
last_won is NOT the last win amount from the last selection/bet combined
if you want the last_lost/last_won from the last selection/bet then you have to use the hist_1_pl
sorry but please confirm that you understand the above rules for last lost/won
this is the only way to find the problem.

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Re: account history
« Reply #12 on: 06 Dec 2014, 18:58 »
Thanks Mcbee, yes my understanding is exactly that. Ive had to go back to re writing the trigger and manually inputting the previous days profit or loss at the start of each day, but that's not ideal and not the elegant solution I want. Simply dont understand the weird figures that I get  when I use the account history in the way it should be used, so can't trust it.

  • Élite
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Re: account history
« Reply #13 on: 07 Dec 2014, 14:24 »
i have tested your profile settings and they work as they should.
to help me could you include some screen shots of your statement and the calculations that your trigger should have done, with the bet amount that the trigger has done.

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