Author Topic: After create a password to my trigger, now I can´t do anything with it  (Read 4610 times)

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I don´t know why, but after creating a password to my trigger. Now the market feeder pro (trial version) is always stuck and the software simple don´t accept the password. So, no trigger and no software... just perfect  :o

  • Élite
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have you tried re installing the software and create a new profile.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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I believe this occurs if you have entered an expiry date for the triggers after the end of your trial period.  Why did you even need a password  ???

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Thanks for your answer mcbee, I will reinstall the software. It´s possible to remove the password?

rubold, I have a trial period of 1 month, Now I am in the start of the 2nd week. So, nothing is out of bounds...and you ask a pretty good question, why the password? Its quite true that I don´t need password for nothing but if I´m testing a software is normal to try things you don´t need

  • Élite
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before applying a password protection, you MUST save a copy of the original trigger, because once password protected, you or anybody else cannot alter the triggers.

Please read the following  disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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I learned the worst way... I will start all over again...but now after reinstalling the software I lost the trial period. This is not running as I aspect  :(

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You don't lose a trial or any other subscription by re-installing the software.  All licenses are linked to your Betfair username, so as long as you use the same account to log in the software will work.

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esbartazar, the free trial lasts for 14 days, not for a month - I'm sorry for this misunderstanding and the related disappointment, but that is what we offer on the trial page.

Please take into account all the advices others have given you in this topic. Also, if your trigger file was valuable, you can send the protected file to our support who will be able to recover it for you.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Hi and thanks for the replies

After all this, I can say, the software looks nice, but I still don´t know if is capable of doing the bot I imagine.
Talking about the trial period. Yes, I know that when I reinstalled the software I should had kept the trial, that´s why I did it...but the true is, no more license to me (not even the regular 14 days or the extension available at "academia das apostas", so 28 in the end (the software return me that number) ...I would like to keep trying to create my bot with the market feeder but now I have to start the bot from scratch and without trial period I will not pay, because it will take a while, do the bot, test it and take my conclusions... I´m going to try other software and maybe I return to market feeder...

Thanks for your time


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