Author Topic: Back and lay unmatched bets prices  (Read 3074 times)

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Back and lay unmatched bets prices
« on: 20 Jul 2016, 17:23 »

I would like to make a cancel trigger to avoid situations where an eventual error may place bets above a certain odd limit.

I was thinking in placing 1 or 2 conditions postating that .."in the case of at least one unmatched bet (lay or Back) is above that price limit (for example limit is 1.5 and bet was placed at 1.6), then all the unmatched bets would be cancelled".

Is there a way of doing it?


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Re: Back and lay unmatched bets prices
« Reply #1 on: 20 Jul 2016, 20:40 »
You can make a trigger that cancels your unmatched bets and you can add whatever conditions you want.  You can set the trigger to repeat every few seconds so it will kick in where necessary.

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Re: Back and lay unmatched bets prices
« Reply #2 on: 20 Jul 2016, 21:22 »
This will check the last three unmatched back and lay bets, and if any is over the limit, it will cancel all unmatched bets. If you want to check more unmatched bets just add to the "or" conditions. Trigger is untested, please use test mode if you are trying it out.

2 constants, or set 2 user variables with your limits:

action: cancel all
selections trigger expression bu_1_layp is greater than laylimit
or selections trigger expression bu_2_layp is greater than laylimit
or selections trigger expression bu_3_layp is greater than laylimit
or selections trigger expression bu_1_backp is greater than backlimit
or selections trigger expression bu_2_backp is greater than backlimit
or selections trigger expression bu_3_backp is greater than backlimit
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Back and lay unmatched bets prices
« Reply #3 on: 21 Jul 2016, 03:54 »

Thanks for the tips.

MarkV i´ve aplied what you said and, obviously, it works. But for the case in question i wonder if there is a lighter way to do it.

My problem is that this cancel trigger is to aply to the handicap market and i can have between Lay and Back bets a number sometimes bigger than 20.

In this case i would have to create 10 lay + 10 back conditions and even with conditions before this ones to just check the selection with unmatched bets, the trigger would have to make an huge number of operations.

Well, what i mean is that this way, it solves the problem, but at the expense of lots of PC and program ressources.

Is there any other way of doing it with a lower impact on the performance?


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Re: Back and lay unmatched bets prices
« Reply #4 on: 21 Jul 2016, 08:22 »
Could you just check the most recent back and lay unmatched?
selections trigger expression bu_layp is greater than laylimit
or selections trigger expression bu_backp is greater than backlimit

Also, have you looked at the Cancel Options? You can specify a price range.
Action: cancel all, click "more options"
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.

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Re: Back and lay unmatched bets prices
« Reply #5 on: 21 Jul 2016, 13:40 »
Hi MarkV,

Unfortunatly the solutions you proposed are not the most suitable for my case.

As it´s the Handicap Market several bets are sometimes placed at the same time.

The "more options" would be a good solution if i didn´t have other conditions. I could do a 2nd trigger with just this new cancel options but that would have the same impact of the previous solution on the spent of resources.



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