Author Topic: Back or Lay stake fully matched, how to make it?  (Read 3014 times)

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I want to put on my trigger a rule that when my stop-loss is activated (in this case it will be a lay), it will stay the bet only when the entire stake will be fully matched. My problem is that imagine that i back a 2 and afterwards the stop-loss is activated but the stake is not entirely matched, it closes the bet and i'll have a bigger red like this...

Can someone help me?

Many thanks in advance

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Re: Back or Lay stake fully matched, how to make it?
« Reply #1 on: 24 Oct 2017, 11:31 »

In the trigger that does the stop-loss, you just need to check that there are no unmatched lay bets on that selection:

Selection's Lay Unmatched is equal to 0
and Selection's Lay Matched is greater than 0
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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