Author Topic: Betfair shut down open applications without any warning  (Read 2231 times)

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Very strange today.  I had 2 instances of MFPro running.  I tried to open X-feeder and had an incorrect username/password warning twice.  I looked at my VPS and both MFPro instances were closed down.  I opened MFPro again, entered username/password and was advised that a forced password change was required.  Opened the BF website with my details and was immediately sent to the forgotten password page, even though I hadn't forgotten my password and already had applications running.  So had to change my PW and everything now works.

I'm still very surprised that logged in applications were closed without warning and no email or anything.

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Re: Betfair shut down open applications without any warning
« Reply #1 on: 18 Sep 2018, 02:01 »
Strange. Someone must have tried to log in to your BF Account, hence the lockout and PW change request. BF cannot close the apps but perhaps might limit transactions until new PW confirmed. 

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Re: Betfair shut down open applications without any warning
« Reply #2 on: 21 Sep 2018, 19:01 »
Once MF Pro detects multiple invalid password errors, it closes down on its own as to not try any more, or else this will look like it makes repeated attempts to log in under an invalid password.

Glad you had it sorted out.
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