Author Topic: Betting below the 2 pound limit  (Read 12040 times)

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Re: Betting below the 2 pound limit
« Reply #60 on: 25 Jun 2020, 15:36 »
I don’t know what to do..... this has really b******d my plans up lol

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Re: Betting below the 2 pound limit
« Reply #61 on: 25 Jun 2020, 15:59 »
and mine, unless there is a way of not placing any of the bets if there is going to be an error , else im left with massive liabilitys, i might have to get a proper job lol, would have been so much easier for betfair to round all bets down

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Re: Betting below the 2 pound limit
« Reply #62 on: 25 Jun 2020, 16:47 »
ive got an idea but dont know if its possible, its only odd stakes that will ever generate the liability for rounding, ig when you dutch lay is it possible for any stakes under 80p if they are odd to be rounded down a penny , example lay 33p at 12.5 = 3.795 not accepted, if you round it down a penny lay 32p at 12.5 =3.68 accepted

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Re: Betting below the 2 pound limit
« Reply #63 on: 25 Jun 2020, 17:40 »
An expression for checking for even stakes and rounding down if not would be IF(INTEGER(stake/2)=(stake/2), stake, stake-0.01)

You could sit this in a test for stakes<=0.80:
IF(stake<=0.80, IF(INTEGER(stake/2)=(stake/2), stake, stake-0.01), stake)

Put this in the bet amount field in the trigger.

Check it works first!!

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Re: Betting below the 2 pound limit
« Reply #64 on: 25 Jun 2020, 17:49 »
cheers, i will give it ago

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Re: Betting below the 2 pound limit
« Reply #65 on: 25 Jun 2020, 17:56 »
hi i already have lpyt/lay_price in the bet amount field, can i add i add it to that somehow

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Re: Betting below the 2 pound limit
« Reply #66 on: 25 Jun 2020, 18:50 »
Assuming that is your stake you just replace where I have stake in my expression:

IF((lpyt/lay_price)<=0.80, IF(INTEGER((lpyt/lay_price/2)=((lpyt/lay_price)/2), lpyt/lay_price, (lpyt/lay_price)-0.01), lpyt/lay_price)

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Re: Betting below the 2 pound limit
« Reply #67 on: 25 Jun 2020, 19:11 »

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Re: Betting below the 2 pound limit
« Reply #68 on: 25 Jun 2020, 20:20 »
Right, so I’m not totally understanding this. 
So if I were laying at a min price of 1.5, what would my minimum bet now be??

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Re: Betting below the 2 pound limit
« Reply #69 on: 25 Jun 2020, 20:57 »
It is you stake that will change, if it is odd it will round it down by a penny so you are never left with a liability to round up or down, thats my theory, going to test tomorrow
for example lay1.5 for 23p liability .345, round it down by a penny so lay 1.5 for 22p liability .33, dont know if it will work but worth a try for me

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Re: Betting below the 2 pound limit
« Reply #70 on: 25 Jun 2020, 21:05 »
think it will only work on odds of 4 upwards as the they increase by .1

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Re: Betting below the 2 pound limit
« Reply #71 on: 25 Jun 2020, 22:53 »
So after I changed my lay only trigger I've successfully layed 111 markets today all with low stakes. We might all have different opinions but my problem has definitely been resolved. For me laying small stakes from odds around 3 to 5, it wasn't a rounding problem or even/odd amounts, it was;

1p to 19p rejected
20p to 31p accepted
32p to 39p rejected
39p+ accepted

So I used this expression;

Code: [Select]
IF(my_stake < 0.2,0.2,IF(AND(my_stake > 0.31,my_stake < 0.36),0.31,IF(AND(my_stake > 0.35,my_stake < 0.4),0.4,my_stake)))

This changes any stake;

Between 1p and 19p = 20p
Between 20p and 31p = no change
Between 32p and 35p = 31p
Between 36p and 39p = 40p
40p and above = no change

As I said, today I've had no problems and made a profit, I hope this might help someone else but I don't think it will help in dutching.
Yeah! :p

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Re: Betting below the 2 pound limit
« Reply #72 on: 29 Jun 2020, 13:15 »

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Re: Betting below the 2 pound limit
« Reply #73 on: 30 Jun 2020, 22:00 »

Please check out the latest update for the "Base price for small Lay bets", which should fix most of your problems with bets below the minimum (provided of course that you do not lay very small amounts at very small odds).
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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