Author Topic: BUG ?  (Read 18064 times)

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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #15 on: 29 Nov 2013, 23:56 »
Did you reproduce it Oxa?
Improvise Adapt Overcome

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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #16 on: 30 Nov 2013, 05:52 »
It's done it again.
I believe it is when you reload cells. This time nothing to do with 29.

This a a very concerning bug as in today race the affected horse was the $1.90 favourite which wasn't backed. Luckily I was on the $7 winner. 
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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #17 on: 02 Dec 2013, 14:57 »
Working on this londolozi...
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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #18 on: 02 Dec 2013, 17:26 »
londolozi, when you import cells for the second time, does it report the correct number of cells imported, or is it one more than you would expect?
It would also be great to have a look at the file customcells.xml just after the second import. You can find it in the following path:

c:\Users\%username%\MarketFeeder Pro 7\profiles\%profile name%\customcells.xml

You can send it in a private message if you feel uncomfortable about making it public (although it is encrypted anyway).
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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #19 on: 03 Dec 2013, 12:03 »
londolozi, I managed to reproduce this problem: it happened when there were duplicates in the list of selections you were importing.
Please check if some horse's name is listed twice or more in the first column.
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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #20 on: 07 Dec 2013, 06:38 »
No definitely not listed twice.

It happened again today. No economic loss fortunately but is a dangerous error to be carrying.

It occurs when you reload selections. If the data changes it doesn't clear all prior data properly, or it is reloading the new data incorrectly.

Either way MFPro fails to read the data correctly but more seriously could apply 100% of my bank instead of 0.06%   

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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #21 on: 07 Dec 2013, 06:54 »
hi londolozi
but more seriously could apply 100% of my bank instead of 0.06%
until this is fixed, you can limit your stake per bet .
in the settings, betting options
tick the Limit one bet's maximum liability to (set this to the maximum stake that you would nomaly use)
this will not fix the problem, BUT will protect your bank.

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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #22 on: 07 Dec 2013, 12:04 »
Ok, londolozi, then still waiting for your answers to the following:

londolozi, when you import cells for the second time, does it report the correct number of cells imported, or is it one more than you would expect?
It would also be great to have a look at the file customcells.xml just after the second import. You can find it in the following path:

c:\Users\%username%\MarketFeeder Pro 7\profiles\%profile name%\customcells.xml

You can send it in a private message if you feel uncomfortable about making it public (although it is encrypted anyway).
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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #23 on: 07 Dec 2013, 22:24 »
I have tried to reproduce the bug it in some USA markets this morning without success.

Normally I am imported several hundred horses so I wouldn't know what the correct number is. Testing a small number this morning, the reporting number was correct.

Attached is my customcells.

I will try with some Aust events and see if I can reproduce later today.
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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #24 on: 08 Dec 2013, 09:56 »
Ok I reproduced it today in Australia.
Here are the steps and information.
Initially none of the test horses were imported.
I included them and a consolidated list is generated. See images HeartPlay and TraditionalT. They are not listed twice. The third horse Classy Dubai with a code 2, 0.02% did not have any errors.

As my code 29 is applicable for the win and place market triggers, I loaded the place market as well as the the win market which was already loaded from the mornings initial setup.

I then pasted the block of three excel columns with horse,code, percentage on to Sheet1 of the Excel worksheet.

I then imported custom cells as normal with 'over write existing cells' ticked.

Once the trigger started to refresh the errors were evident.

Good luck   
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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #25 on: 11 Dec 2013, 13:55 »
Thanks for the files londolozi, will work on finding out what it might be. Will post here as soon as I manage to reproduce it.
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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #26 on: 11 Dec 2013, 15:39 »
londolozi, the customcells file that you attached does not have all the information I need. Can I ask you to attach the market files as well, if you have not yet deleted the markets for which you did the import.

If you did delete them though, can you import some selections again and wait till you get this error, then send me the files below.

c:\Users\%username%\MarketFeeder Pro 7\profiles\events\

Pack this folder using any zip compressor software, and send the zipped file to me please.

I'm only asking because I still can't spot this behaviour on my computer.
By the way, if anyone else is having this, please post in this topic - you might suggest a new bit of information that will help fix this.
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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #27 on: 11 Dec 2013, 15:54 »
See images HeartPlay and TraditionalT. They are not listed twice.

Sorry to be objecting, but I clearly see that the horse "Traditional Time" is listed twice in the first column. You can see on the screenshot you attached, file TraditionalTime.gif, rows # 172 and 180. In this case its cells will be imported twice, like I said.

I'm not sure about the other horse, but I can't see the rest of the sheet, it might be included elsewhere.

What do you think about it?
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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #28 on: 11 Dec 2013, 19:48 »
Yes, fair enough.
I see what you see and will investigate.
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Re: BUG ?
« Reply #29 on: 12 Dec 2013, 04:44 »
Ok, half way there.
My apologies it did appear I was listing the horse twice.
So today, it listed once the horse was identified in the place market BUT it wasn't captured in the Win market.

Any suggestions how I get around this. Currently where a horse is a WIN Market, I will code it '3', where I want to Place bet and Win bet I will code it '29'

The Place market trigger asks AND  cell_querymarketid_P(..) = 29 easy this works

The Win market trigger ask AND
OR cell_querymarketid_P(..) = 3 ..this works for horses marked '3'
OR cell_querymarketid_P(..) = 29 ...this doesn't work, as todays horse was marked '29'

This fails? How any I have two options when using a spreadsheet, any ideas?

I'll provide the trigger if required.

Improvise Adapt Overcome


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