Author Topic: Can't start up MFP  (Read 2447 times)

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Can't start up MFP
« on: 19 Dec 2015, 02:31 »
I know this is more a computer issue than a MFP issue, but I try to start up MFP and it says that the shortcut has been moved or changed. I have tried other programs and they start up OK.
Any suggestions to get it working?

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Re: Can't start up MFP
« Reply #1 on: 19 Dec 2015, 07:02 »
delete your old shortcut.
locate  C:\Program Files (x86)\MarketFeeder Pro 8
locate feeder8
hover the mouse pointer over it, now press the right mouse button , now select  Create shortcut.
a warning will pop up saying it cannot create a short cut here, do you want it on desktop .
select    yes
you should now have a new shortcut on your desktop.
you can also run marketfeeder by double clicking the feeder8

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