OK, not sure if anybody will read this, as I asked this question some time ago, ad maybe its gone out of scope. If so I will ask another question an another post.
Given that I want to see if there are any current bets, and the reason I want to do this is because I only want 1 bet to be active at any time, and dependent upon the result of this bet, if its a win, then no action is taken, but if it is a lose, I want to have a fibonacci betting plan, and as such, my betting amount will be using the following setup...
bank * percentageValue * fibonacci(1,fibValue, 0), I will have a constant, named fibValue, with initial value of 2, because fibonacci(1,2,0) equal 1, which is my initial value needed for the first bet. This isn't some attempt to educate anybody on fibonacci, I will get to my point eventually....
IF we have a losing bet, then I will have a user variable, also named fibValue, which will be incremented by 1, upon a loss, and so, in this instance, fibValue will be set at 3, which means fibonacci(1,3,0) equals 2, i.e. the next increment, and we start the sequence, at index of 2 - simple enough...
There are a couple of questions I have here, to ask if what I am looking to do is logically correct, and more importantly, should workout...
So, I am planning to use this in Tennis matches, and as I want to have 1 bet active at any point, I will run a trigger which will get me the first matching selection, and I THINK I need to use the Execute status as 'once per sports event', and once I find a qualifying match, I will place a bet, and then write the ["sel_name"] to a file, called placedBets...
I then want to have a trigger to check for any active bets, and so I was thinking of having a conditional that will check the placedBets file, and see if any selections in that file are active bets - i.e. not settled yet, maybe by setting a user variable, whose value is set to true, with the condition where the selection is present in the file placedBets, and it currently has a matched bet..
So, my user variable, will be set as follows:
Name activeBet Value true
Selections First Matching Selection
Markets Tennis Matches
Execute once per market
Selections name is in file ....placedBets.txt
and Selection's Number of Matched Lay Bets is greater than 0
It seems a little clumsy, and I have no way of identifying if activeBet is false, unless there is a way in the value section to do the conditionals, but I really would not know how to do that...?
So I am a little stuck on how to achieve my requirement.
Thanks for reading, any help is appreciated