Author Topic: Closing blocks in Test  (Read 8280 times)

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Closing blocks in Test
« on: 17 Sep 2012, 13:45 »
Hi all,
Anyone manage to close and repeat a block in Test mode?
My close block trigger is failing to close the block.  :(
Trigger logs shows it "stuck" on ...

Waiting for an updated list of bets before the block can be closed.

... even though the list of bets have been updated and show up in the unmatched window.
I have only one market being monitored and bets are set to be updated simultaneously with every refresh in Settings>Betting Options and yet close block trigger is...
Waiting for an updated list of bets before the block can be closed.

What's up with that?

Does this mean
a. you can only close blocks that have actually performed aback or lay action?
b. you can't close the block in Test mode because it'swaiting for an updated list from Betfairs servers which will NEVER arrive since you're in Test mode?

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Re: Closing blocks in Test
« Reply #1 on: 17 Sep 2012, 19:15 »
The answers to your questions a and b are no and no.
A trigger block that repeats needs a close block action with conditions that confirm it is OK to repeat that block of triggers again. It works the same in test mode and real mode.
What is your market refresh rate?
What is the block repetition rate? i.e. no more often than x, or specific number of times?
What are your conditions in the close block trigger?

… or just post the trigger file ( or close block trigger) so can look it over
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Re: Closing blocks in Test
« Reply #2 on: 18 Sep 2012, 12:44 »
Hi there...
I've attached a simple trigger block to illustrate what I mean.
Market is Idle
Idle Refresh set to 3.0 secs
The idea is to count how many times a set of conditions occurs in sequence.
By that I mean...
conditions are met (count=1)
next refresh
conditions are met (count=2)
next refresh
conditions are not met (reset count to = 0)

conditions are met (count=1)
next refresh
conditions are met (count=2)
next refresh
conditions are met (count=3)
next refresh
conditions are met (count=4)
next refresh
conditions are not met (reset count to = 0)
...and so on.

I only want to bet when my conditions are met in an unbroken sequence of 5 refreshes.

The 2nd (reset) trigger says if the conditions are not met reset the counter to 0 and close the block so it can start counting again from the next refresh.

Everything works up to the close block which trigger logs say is ... "Waiting for an updated list of bets before the block can be closed".

But no bets are placed! it will never close the block.

I tried placing some bets before the reset trigger and still no joy.

Hence my conclusion that it must only work in real mode (if at all). Don't really want to test ideas in real mode!

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong. Appreciate any input.

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Re: Closing blocks in Test
« Reply #3 on: 18 Sep 2012, 16:01 »
Everything works up to the close block which trigger logs say is ... "Waiting for an updated list of bets before the block can be closed".


you can enter a condition for closing a block. A very usual condition is to repeat the block as long there are no bets (matched or unmatched) in the market.

MFPro needs to update the list of bets first, ( = request the list of bets from betfair) before it can close the block. If MFPro does a lay, back or any other action, MFPro does not know the result of these actions, unless a new market and list of bets refresh is done.

The message says, that MFPro has to wait for the next refresh of list of bets from betfair. Even if no bets are placed, after this refresh MFPro closes the block and executes all triggers within the block again.

I will read your trigger later.


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Re: Closing blocks in Test
« Reply #4 on: 18 Sep 2012, 21:36 »
Hi Obias-Trader
I took a demo trigger which included a close block trigger and tried it in test mode. All seemed OK. So I think your close block issue needs further investigation.

In the meantime, I have taken a slightly different approach to your trigger using user variables. It is quite straightforward. Just make sure you have exactly the same conditions in each of the set user variable triggers.
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Re: Closing blocks in Test
« Reply #5 on: 19 Sep 2012, 16:35 »
Attached is an enhancement to the above trigger. It uses close block to repeat the trigger. I used back price is greater than 2.02 as a testing condition. You can replace that with your conditions, but make sure your conditions are identical in both uservariable triggers.
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Re: Closing blocks in Test
« Reply #6 on: 25 Sep 2012, 10:00 »
Hi MarkV,
I'd ended up setting up something very similar to your suggested format.
Yours worked, mine didn't!
Only difference I can see is you have the counters deactivated before the "close block" trigger. Don't understand why that should make such a difference but it evidently does. Thanks for that.

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Re: Closing blocks in Test
« Reply #7 on: 25 Sep 2012, 11:02 »
I think it has to do with the flow of the trigger logic. If you have a trigger repeating within a block that repeats, there is an endless loop, so the block of triggers does not come to a natural end. By deactivating the loop, the trigger logic ends naturally, and the block can then be closed and repeated.

The V6 manual offers a good explanation:
"Using a "close block" trigger you can set the conditions under which a block has to be repeated. The very words "close block" mean that all the triggers in the block have been duly executed (or don't need to be executed any more), and it should be considered "closed", and needs to be "reopened" (that is, repeated). Until a block is not closed, it won't be repeated."
Please read the following disclaimer with regards to the information you may request and obtain on our forum. This specifically concerns trigger files and various instructions as to how to implement a strategy.


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