Author Topic: Deleting a market when it starts at the same time as another  (Read 3325 times)

  • All members
  • Posts: 406
Hi Everyone

I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion for how to do this.  My triggers use variables based on the length of time the horse race market has been in play, and on busy race days if 2 races are due to start at the same time this can play havoc with things, as they inevitably go in play at different times.

Ideally I'd like to be able to delete 1 horse race and keep the other if 2 races start at the same time, but I'm scratching my head how to do it.

Thanks for any help

  • Moderator
  • Posts: 3649
Have a look at the general variable: inplay_market_num
the idea being to activate when there are no markets in-play
and selections trigger expression inplay_market_num is equal to 0
or bet when only one market is in-play
and selections trigger expression inplay_market_num is equal to 1
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  • Posts: 406
Thanks Mark for that info. I'll experiment with that variable to put a condition in my trigger.

  • All members
  • Posts: 406
In case it helps anybody else, I was able to achieve what I wanted by using MarkV's suggestion.  I added the conditions to delete the trigger if 'inplay_market_num' is greater than 1 AND minutes since the off are less than 0.1.  This achieved the result of deleting any market that turns inplay while another market is already inplay and running.


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