Author Topic: Deleting a market with no active selections  (Read 2239 times)

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Deleting a market with no active selections
« on: 17 Nov 2019, 14:46 »
Hi everyone,

Scratching my head with this one.  In one instance of mfp I import  a list of selections to autotrade on.  I load up the days uk horse races, and some markets have no selections whatsoever to be traded on, so all the selections in those markets are greyed out.

I can't find a way to delete these greyed out markets through a trigger.  When building a trigger it has to have a selection to be selected to work on (fave, 2nd fave, probable looser, all matching selections etc) yet when a market has all selections greyed out then non of these apply, and so the delete market trigger I set up is ignored.

The reason I want to delete these markets is I refresh a lot of of markets simultaneously using various triggers running in various instances of mfp, and so keeping the number of active markets as low as possible is a something I need to do.

Any suggestion gratefully received.


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Re: Deleting a market with no active selections
« Reply #1 on: 19 Nov 2019, 14:28 »

Yes, you are right, trigger conditions are checked against selections. If there are no visible selections in the market, the trigger can't be executed or even its conditions checked.

What you can do is change your importing routine.

1. Add a number (let's say 1) next to each selection's name in the import file. Separate it from the name with a Tab character.

2. Add the #all_active# keyword at the end of the import file. This will make all selections visible to triggers.

3. Add a condition to the trigger that places bets or does whatever is needed to do with the imported selections:

and Selection's Trigger Expression imported_1 is greater than 0

4. Add a trigger to delete the market if the following conditions are met:

Market's Minutes Since Refresh Start is greater than 0.5
and NOT At Least One Selection's Trigger Expression imported_1 is greater than 0.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Deleting a market with no active selections
« Reply #2 on: 19 Nov 2019, 14:31 »
Thanks Oxa

As usual, there's a way this amazing software can handle any situation that you throw at it!


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