Author Topic: Diagnostics  (Read 1265 times)

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« on: 26 Jul 2020, 11:24 »
Hi Guys,

After missing my licence expiry yesterday, this morning I find that MF Pro had crashed overnight and I had another couple of bets missed. :'(

Is there a way to diagnose the cause of the crash? The program log looks ok for my last bet placed (22:07), but it is blank after that.

MF had been running for a few weeks without a restart up to this point, if that makes a difference?

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Re: Diagnostics
« Reply #1 on: 26 Jul 2020, 12:01 »
Just some suggestions:
Are you logging triggers? Might be worth clearing out old log files, see item 4 here. If you manually delete logs MFP should be shut down before.
Also if you are confident your triggers are working well it may also be helpful to switch off trigger logging.
I think it is a good idea to shut down MFP periodically and manually do Windows updates etc. I do mine once a week. 

I don't think there were any API issues last night, I was running live and see no errors. However, another possibility could be loss of internet your end.
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Re: Diagnostics
« Reply #2 on: 27 Jul 2020, 18:23 »
I'm sorry about your experience and absolutely support MarkV's suggestion about clearing your logs. If you've been running MF Pro for weeks, then there are probably tons of them.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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