Author Topic: Distribute loss not matched  (Read 8850 times)

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Distribute loss not matched
« on: 23 Oct 2017, 09:57 »

I am using "close bets" trigger to distribute the loss in 70min of the match. problem is that in รก 80% cases it stays unmatched, because the lay odds jump higher immidiatelly. What can be done to improove the probability of matching this loss distribution.

maybe refresh rate, or lay bet some ticks higher,...
thanks for suggestions.

here is the trigger I am using:

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Re: Distribute loss not matched
« Reply #1 on: 23 Oct 2017, 19:15 »
It's probably the Betfair in-play delay.

As you say you can use a lay trigger:
Price: r_ticks(lay_price, 5)  this will lay at 5 ticks higher than best lay price, replace 5 with how many ticks higher you want to lay
Price: best  this will be matched at best available lay price
The formula for the amount for equal profit or loss on all selections is (bm_backp*bm_backa)/lay_price
Use conditions to make sure you are getting a reasonable lay price, for example, no more than 10 ticks spread between best back and lay prices:
and selections trigger expression g_ticks(back_price, lay_price) is equal or less than 10

As another option you could add another trigger to match unmatched lay bets at best available price:
trigger action: match lay unmatched bets
and use similar conditions to above

And another option you can use is the Stop Loss Options in the Settings, for example:
match unmatched bets: If a bet was placed 1.00 mins ago or earlier
in this case your trigger would fire the distribute loss, and if it was unmatched 1 minute later, it would then be matched at the best available price

please use test mode for testing these 
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Re: Distribute loss not matched
« Reply #2 on: 23 Oct 2017, 19:35 »
HI. thanks for suggestons.

should I use trigger based on ticks or based on profit for the price:r_ticks(lay_price, 5)   ?

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Re: Distribute loss not matched
« Reply #3 on: 23 Oct 2017, 20:35 »
A Distribute Loss trigger (using ticks or profit%) will use the current lay price, which you are missing because of the in-play delay
the suggestion is a LAY trigger five ticks higher than the current lay price instead of Distribute Loss, so using the same conditions in your example:

Action: Lay
Price: r_ticks(lay_price, 5)
Amount: (bm_backp*bm_backa)/lay_price
markets betting code is Over/Under (Soccer) 0.5
and selections trigger expression match_minute is equal or greater than cbt
and selections back matched is greater than 0

if you are using a green-up trigger, you need to add another condition so this does not fire if the green-up has been done:
and trigger <name of your green-up trigger> number of runs is equal to 0  
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Re: Distribute loss not matched
« Reply #4 on: 23 Oct 2017, 20:54 »
ok, I understand now. I make trigger according your suggestion. 
can I use "cancel than lay" to cancel it, if bet is still unmatched and place another lay bet?
But cancel and place another lay bet should be done after, lets say 30seconds. and if the second lay bet is also unmatched, the proces should repeat until the bet is matched.  I do not know how to make this.

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Re: Distribute loss not matched
« Reply #5 on: 24 Oct 2017, 09:02 »
I don't think you need to cancel then lay.

Either increase the 5 ticks higher lay price r_ticks(lay_price, 5) to say 10 or 15 ticks: r_ticks(lay_price, 15)


lay at "best" price, this will match it immediately at the best available price:
Action: Lay
Price: best
Amount: (bm_backp*bm_backa)/lay_price
markets betting code is Over/Under (Soccer) 0.5
and selections trigger expression match_minute is equal or greater than cbt
and selections back matched is greater than 0


use the Stop Loss settings mentioned earlier
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Re: Distribute loss not matched
« Reply #6 on: 24 Oct 2017, 09:13 »
stop loss in setings is not good for me. it fire not good bets. for example it lays bet at odds 1.11, but in reality the odds is 1.8. and it do not calculate distribute loss. so it does not work as I need. 

I think that the lay trigger as you described is what I need. I added "cancel after 30sec.". but now I need to add some repeate function. do you now how?

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Re: Distribute loss not matched
« Reply #7 on: 24 Oct 2017, 10:29 »
You can modify the cancel and lay repeating functions in this trigger: 
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Re: Distribute loss not matched
« Reply #8 on: 24 Oct 2017, 16:28 »

isnt there a easiest way how to repeat the trigger please?
for examnple - check if the lay bet is unmatched and if yes than execute the triger again.

thanks for all your help.

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Re: Distribute loss not matched
« Reply #9 on: 24 Oct 2017, 17:49 »
Use the Bet Lifetime. Click the little clock next to "Cancel" in the trigger editor. Then Execute your trigger no more often than x secs
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Re: Distribute loss not matched
« Reply #10 on: 24 Oct 2017, 21:14 »
ok. I will try it. but will it stop to make bets after one is matched? I need to test it with real money, because in test mode all bets are matched always.

can you help me with another thing please.
My trigger places one to ten bets at the same time on soocer market. each one on another match. so one per match. Sometimes one of them makes loss. I wanted to recover this loss wit this formula: IF(last_pl<0,((last_pl/(1-commission))*(-1)/(back_price-1)),1)
But problem is that if I do not reset the last_pl to 0, my trigger can places more then one bet with recover amount, what i do not want. I tried to add action reset win/los history in the same trigger which make the back bet. it works fine if no other bet makes profit meanwhile. if does, the last_pl is again >0 and the bet amount is 1. not (last_pl/(1-commission))*(-1)/(back_price-1).
How can I make it better. I  need for example to remember the negative value of last_pl and reset it only after the recover bet was matched.
can you help please? thank you very much for your time.

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Re: Distribute loss not matched
« Reply #11 on: 25 Oct 2017, 06:57 »
ok. I will try it. but will it stop to make bets after one is matched?
use a condition:
and selections lay matched is equal to 0
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Re: Distribute loss not matched
« Reply #12 on: 25 Oct 2017, 09:56 »
will do. thanks.

can you take a look on my second question please?
Thank you

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Re: Distribute loss not matched
« Reply #13 on: 25 Oct 2017, 10:28 »
If the soccer games you are betting in are consecutive, like greyhound or horse racing markets, you would use a condition block in your betting trigger:
     trigger <name of your betting trigger> number of runs is equal to 0 overall
     or previous triggered events status is settled
this will make sure the win/lose variables are updated and no new bet will be placed until the previous market is settled.

If you are betting in concurrent markets, then as you point out, the win/lose variables are less useful because you cannot keep track of individual bets. You may be able to set up user variables for the 1 to 10 bets you have, and update those user variables, but that will be a complex trigger.

The better way for you would be to use a maximum bank variable and adjust your staking as and when Betfair updates your account balance. Some examples of this in these topics:    
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Re: Distribute loss not matched
« Reply #14 on: 25 Oct 2017, 12:47 »
thanks again. 

I have read that topicks. to set maxbank as balance and the back amount as
is interesting. 
But it does not solve the problem with bets in more then one markets. Another think is that it start to cover losses only if the balance is lower than maxbank. 


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