Author Topic: Double behavior  (Read 2266 times)

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Double behavior
« on: 10 Dec 2020, 04:59 »

Yesterday i posted on the topic market locator that i've created on suggestions a workaround to circunvent the need to download all markets at once.

So, i will try to explain below how it works in my special situation.

1-Before the off, i download Match Odds (M.O.)
2-After the minute 70, i use Match Odds to create a file using the function "Write to a File". It writes the under/over (U/O) markets it selected.
3-I place the condition on the market locator "Market's name contains values in the file (the file i created).

It downloads the markets as required but, and here is the problem, in around half of the situations the U/O markets don't assume the variables i created on M.O.. Nor even that a trigger has already been executed by M.O..

U/O markets from the same event seem to behave the same way (or both assume or both of them don't assume the variables). Markets from different events, even if downloaded at the same time, may behave diferently.  In some events they assume the variable created on M.O. and in others they simply don't. It's like in half of the situations the U/O markets behave as they don't belong to the same event of the M.O.. There's no apparent reason for this double behavior.

I send in attachment the trigger.

Anyone knows what may be causing this duality of behavior?


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Re: Double behavior
« Reply #1 on: 17 Dec 2020, 07:55 »

There is a problem with the trigger you attached: you can't name variables with a string that already contains the name of another variable. So in your case, the variable MKT1 already contains the name of another variable, MKT, therefore, it may be parsed incorrectly, giving you the impression that the variable itself is set incorrectly.

So the right way to do this is simply call the variables MKT1 and MKT2 -- this way each is recognised as a separate variable.

Can you please try the attached trigger instead and let me know if it works?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Double behavior
« Reply #2 on: 17 Dec 2020, 19:50 »
Hi Oxa,

Thanks for correcting my error. I didn't know about it.

This is the same issue about the event_id i've placed to the support.

Unfortunately, it wasn't anything related with the error on the variables. I've made tests after have corrected them, and the behavior is exactly the same as previously (see different event_id's on today's cambur match).

Neither it was expected to have another result, as this same thing happens when the download of the markets are made manually. So, without any intervention of the trigger.


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Re: Double behavior
« Reply #3 on: 17 Dec 2020, 21:40 »
Right, I get the issue with the event_id variable, but your original post was about a different problem, wasn't it? Does the trigger I attached assign different values to the variables depending on the time the markets were loaded?
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Double behavior
« Reply #4 on: 18 Dec 2020, 02:22 »
Right, I get the issue with the event_id variable, but your original post was about a different problem, wasn't it?
No, it's the same issue. I just didn't have fighered out, at the time, that the problem was caused by the change on event_id.

Does the trigger I attached assign different values to the variables depending on the time the markets were loaded?
Yes, that's the problem. When it assumes a new event_id everything that comes from the other market previously downloaded belongs, for all MFPro purposes, to another event.

Take a look on the exemple i send you in attachment from the same cambur's game.

1-You have a refresh rate depending on the value of the variable "SUVMO".
2-The variable "SUVMO" is set individually for each event.
3-At 17:43:30 the value is fixed to 1 on Match Odds (1st market downloaded).
4-19:29:43 you download the 2nd market (under/over 4.5) and it doesn't assume, as it should, the value 1.

Therefore it doesn't change the refresh rate.



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