Author Topic: Erroneous information on Market Feeder Pro (Lite  (Read 3430 times)

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I set up today all the horse races to run Auto-Dutching on them( in test mode)  , went into each race and bet on them all (about 25 races altogether).
I came home from work and started to go thro them 1 by 1 to see if I had made a profit overall , I hit the settle button on the first one and it said I had won and made a profit , great I thought ,then to the next and the next and the next all making a profit , the 5th race I hit the settled button to be told I had lost and the yellow winner banner was right near the bottom of the race card ,,That’s not right I said “ So I looked up the race on the Racing Post website and according to the horse I had bet on it had won . I checked my “Statement” and it also said I had lost , the horse was showing as a losing bet even tho it had won , after checking all my 25 races this happened 5 times ,The wrong winner in each racecard and the wrong winner in my Statement, I am very concerned about this as I was going to buy the system within your new pricing range which seems to be a very reasonable price , but am much concerned about the erroneous information I have outlined , especially when I use real money.

Any suggestions anyone?
Tomorrow I am going to do the same and keep a written record of the discrepencies I find.

  • Élite
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Re: Erroneous information on Market Feeder Pro (Lite
« Reply #1 on: 14 Mar 2014, 06:05 »
make sure that you have ticked download the results from betfair , in the test mode settings.
tick save all test bets on program's exit.
do not tick any other box.

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Re: Erroneous information on Market Feeder Pro (Lite
« Reply #2 on: 21 Mar 2014, 17:53 »
Hi goodyflyer, I was just wondering on this. Were you able to get this to work by any chance?
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