Author Topic: Cancel and place new bets  (Read 2395 times)

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Cancel and place new bets
« on: 28 Aug 2014, 02:31 »

I am having some difficulties developing a trigger for horse betting. The trigger places both a back and a lay bets at the same time separated by 3 ticks. Basically it places bets in all the horses which odds are below a certain number (e.g. 15).

I am letting the unmatched bets in the market till it goes to inplay. However,when the unmatched bets have a difference to the respective back or lay market´s price equal or bigger than a certain number of ticks ( e.g. 5 ticks), i would like to cancel them and place anothers with 1/2 of that difference in ticks.

Explaining better lets imagine that i´ve placed bets in different horses (both lay and back bets in each one), when the market´s time before the off arrives to zero, i still have 2 lay bets and 2 back bets:

Back bets odds

             Unmatched      market´s price   ticks dif.    new ticks dif.            new bet

horse 1:      3.5                      2.96              12            12/2=6               2.96+6 ticks=3.2
horse 2:       12                      13.5                3               as <5 not canceled/placed

Lay bets odds

             Unmatched      market´s price   ticks dif.    new ticks dif.            new bet

horse 3:       7.6                  8.6                     5          5/2=2.5(+-3)          7.6+3 ticks=8.2                
horse 4:       11                    13                      4           as <5 not canceled/placed

In this case horses 2 and 4 would have their bets untouched to be matched inplay.
In opposite bets in horses 1 and 3 should be cancelled and new ones placed.

I am not sure if it´s possible to round the ticks diference (e.g 2.5 to 3) as it is made in excel.

I would be grateful if someone could help me.

Thanks,  :) :)


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