  • #1 by paulmoore99 on 10 Mar 2021
  • HI 

    The last few days I have been getting the error codes below. Do you know what the problem is here? as I have never had this in the past.

    07:51:15 Error while updating the account statement: INVALID_SESSION_INFORMATION. 
    07:51:30 Error while getting available funds: Bad Request 
    07:52:27 Error while getting available funds: Empty response from exchange 

    I have been required to log out and back in and it works again. Unfortunately I am missing alot of markets the past few days and would like to resolve this.



  • #2 by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 11 Mar 2021
  • Hello Paul,

    Seems like BetFair got down for short time.
    Unfortunately as MarketFeeder doesn't store your credentials it can't re-login after BetFair drops the session.
  • #3 by Jimmy B on 11 Mar 2021
  • I get these exact same fault codes virtually every day, most of the time it sorts itself out and the days bets will be carried out,
    but at no point do I have to log back to get this to happen.

    Occasionally the faults last all day and I lose a complete day's worth of bets.

    I'm no expert but could it be a BetVPS server issue?

  • #4 by paulmoore99 on 18 Mar 2021
  • yes its really frustrating. Obviously cant be at computer all day thats why using automation but when this happens i have to log back in or bets wont trigger.
  • #5 by paulmoore99 on 05 Apr 2021
  • im still getting these errors, missed a whole card tonight at Cpark. Its really frustrating especially when money is involved. Surley betfair cant be dropping out this often.

    I had another instance of MFP open at the same time using a different strategy and this wasn't affected, so it must be an issue with MFP.

    Would be great if you could look into this as its becoming a big issue.


  • #6 by Oxa (WellDoneSoft) on 05 Apr 2021
  • Hi Paul,

    What country are you in? For residents of certain countries BetFair drops sessions on purpose, forcing them to re-login once a day.
  • #7 by vipmpet on 12 Jan 2022
  • Hi Tim

    I'm having the same error. It's happening for the last two days. Probably once in every 1-2 hours. Marketfeeded gets terminated and I have to start the program again. 

    Already tried to create new profiles (sometimes it helps) and uninstall/install Marketfeeder completed. Neither helped. 

    Are you able to provide a solution?

  • #8 by iamgazza on 12 Jan 2022
  • I'm in the UK and have found it appears to happen in the evening, usually after the racing has finished. Closing and re-logging in fixes it. I've not had it do it during the day, but I open every morning, so one could assume its time based thing say every 12hrs. 

    Only started a while back so must be a recent change to Betfairs sessions, perhaps in other countries that weren't affected before. 

    Hope that helps.
  • #9 by ChicagoBoy on 13 Jan 2022
  • I have VPSs running in London and Sydney and both have had regular dropouts the last 3 days. So I don't think it's related to any particular county. 
  • #10 by Tim (WellDoneSoft) on 17 Jan 2022
  • Hello,

    The empty response error means MF didn't receive any response from BetFair for the request it sent.
    It could be due to Internet connection problem or delay for more than connection timeout (I suppose not your case but worth to check).
    Also it could be caused by an intermediate software/service like proxy/vpn or even firewall/antivirus that may alter/block the response.
    Or it could be simply BetFair downtime/maintenance (more looks like). You can check their status page when it happens.