Author Topic: Event Starting Time  (Read 8802 times)

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Event Starting Time
« on: 18 Mar 2013, 20:03 »
Please see attached pics so you follow. 

When MFP is closed or terminates whilst it is following a market (in this case soccer match) and then it is opened again, the "Started at:" time resets to 0:00.  So if you have triggers which are time sensitive, these will not work at the pre-defined time in the match.  I believe this also affects the Start and Stop Monitoring Markets in the Monitoring Options in Settings.

Example 1:  Trigger set to fire after 30 minutes of start time, but MFP hangs at 14 minutes from start time.  If you restart it immediately the trigger will fire at 44 minutes after start time NOT 30 minutes because the timer would be set to 0 when you restarted MFP.

Example 2:  Setting to stop monitoring markets after 50 minutes from start.  If MFP hangs or terminates (abnormally) and is restarted immediately after 30 minutes it will stop monitoring the market after 80 minutes NOT 50 minutes as per setting.

I trust the above examples illustrate my issue above.

Is this normal or is it a bug?  If it is normal, is there a way around it?

Another thing related to this is if you click on the "Started at: date time", MFP will give you options to:

- Change the start time, and/or
- Remember the Start Time for this Market

I searched extensively in the manual to find out what these functions do exactly, however, I could not find any information, so I am not sure if I missed it or if it is not there.

Anyway, all help much appreciated.

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Re: Event Starting Time
« Reply #1 on: 18 Mar 2013, 21:38 »
The start time edit box may have been missed in the manual. It is described in Version 6 manual as follows:
"You can change the start time of the market yourself (for example, if you have the knowledge that the event is delayed). To do this, click on this text label and fill in the new date and time in the pop-up window. Tick "Remember start time" if you want MF Pro to save the new date and time and not download it from BetFair next time you start the program."

You can use the event_start variable in your triggers as a workaround. It is the scheduled starting time for the event.

In an earlier post you asked about restarting automatically. Several users use script / batch files for this. Search forum for "restart script" or similar.

You mentioned running several instances. Can you confirm these are individual profiles from one single installation of Marketfeeder, and not several installs of the program?

How many markets do you estimate you have loaded across all your instances on say a Saturday?
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Re: Event Starting Time
« Reply #2 on: 18 Mar 2013, 23:36 »
Thanks Mark V

To answer your questions first:

I run two or three instances of MFP 7 from one install.

And, on Sat I load all major European Leagues match odds and o/u3.5 markets which is a lot compared to weekdays.

Re restart script how about Welldone supplying it with MFP.  Im sure it should not be a big deal to do so.

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Re: Event Starting Time
« Reply #3 on: 19 Mar 2013, 08:24 »
Thanks for your reply. Just a few suggestions to try.
I am assuming you are reducing the market refresh rate for each instance to keep within the overall request limit. With many markets this is going to cause a bottleneck.
Set slightly different refresh rates in the settings of each profile. This will stagger the refreshes.
Use triggers to change refresh rates according to time before the off etc.
Sort My Markets by date and time. Use market_index is less than x to set refresh rate in a trigger.  
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Re: Event Starting Time
« Reply #4 on: 19 Mar 2013, 12:27 »
Hi Rocco,

Because the program can't obtain the actual start time of a market from BetFair, it relies on the time it recorded while you were refreshing the market. If you restart it, the time will be overwritten. I admit it could be saving this time somewhere in the market data file and read it upon the next opening. I think that's what I'll add to the next update to solve the problem.

I would consider what other forum members mentioned, and also try the following workarounds.

Example 1:  Trigger set to fire after 30 minutes of start time, but MFP hangs at 14 minutes from start time.  If you restart it immediately the trigger will fire at 44 minutes after start time NOT 30 minutes because the timer would be set to 0 when you restarted MFP.

In your trigger, count the time off the scheduled start time instead of the actual one. This will probably be different, but it'll be a matter of several minutes in most cases. The condition would be:

Selection's Trigger Expression (now_time - event_start)/mf_minute is equal or greater than [mins]

Instead of [mins] put the number of minutes since the start of the match.

Example 2:  Setting to stop monitoring markets after 50 minutes from start.  If MFP hangs or terminates (abnormally) and is restarted immediately after 30 minutes it will stop monitoring the market after 80 minutes NOT 50 minutes as per setting.

Add a simple trigger that stops a market after certain time since the start. Use the same condition as above.

Another thing related to this is if you click on the "Started at: date time", MFP will give you options to:

- Change the start time, and/or
- Remember the Start Time for this Market

I'm afraid these are not related to the actual start. You can set the scheduled start time manually. It is needed mainly for Australian races and (some) tennis matches where the start time may be set up incorrectly by BetFair.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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Re: Event Starting Time
« Reply #5 on: 19 Mar 2013, 21:54 »
Mark V & Oxa thank you for your replies.  I really appreciate you both taking the time.  I will implement your suggestions and let you know.

Are you able to help with the script to restart MFP after it terminates or shuts down?

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Re: Event Starting Time
« Reply #6 on: 19 Mar 2013, 23:49 »
Here is an app monitor that might be useful:

The link above is courtesy 1oser, as is the script below. The script is an non-elegant way of killing the feeder7.exe process and restarting MFP. Could be used with Windows Task Scheduler for example out of market hours. The markets would need to be reloaded using scheduler. I think some users use something like this and a logs folder size check, i.e. if the logfile folder has not increased in size over x hrs, the script is invoked.
Code: [Select]
taskkill /IM feeder7.exe
sleep 20
CD "C:\Program Files (x86)\MarketFeeder Pro 7\"
START feeder7.exe XXXXXXX** XXXXXXX* 1 "Default"
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Re: Event Starting Time
« Reply #7 on: 29 Dec 2013, 18:25 »
Jockersoft looks really nice to use. Just to confirm, this is free right?
We only live once.

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Re: Event Starting Time
« Reply #8 on: 29 Dec 2013, 23:20 »
Because the program can't obtain the actual start time of a market from BetFair, it relies on the time it recorded while you were refreshing the market. If you restart it, the time will be overwritten. I admit it could be saving this time somewhere in the market data file and read it upon the next opening. I think that's what I'll add to the next update to solve the problem.

Hi Oxa

Can you please advise whether the above was implemented?


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Re: Event Starting Time
« Reply #9 on: 04 Jan 2014, 16:02 »
Hi Oxa

Can you please advise whether the above was implemented?


It actually is in the program and has been for some months at least.
Always try your triggers in Test Mode before switching to real money!

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