Author Topic: Excel methods in a user variable  (Read 2814 times)

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Excel methods in a user variable
« on: 12 Jun 2018, 21:29 »

I am in the middle of creating a football trigger, and I am attempting to extract the league name, from the ["market_name"], and so, given a match name such as "Soccer / North American Football / US Major League Football / Fixtures 14 June / San Jose Earthquakes v New England / Match Odds - Match Odds", it can be seen that the league name is shown after the 2nd "/"..., in this case its MLS.

So, rather then getting involved with MID/LEN/RIGHT/LEFT, I decided to try and do a multi step separation, and my first attempted step was to set a user variable, called firstSlash, and set its value to FIND("/", ["market_name"]) + 1. As we know, FIND in excel, returns the index/location of the said string/character, from a supplied string.

Problem is, using a text file to write the value of firstSlash, produces:

FIND("/",["Soccer / North American Football / US Major League Football / Fixtures 14 June / San Jose Earthquakes v New England / Match Odds - Match Odds"])+1

I was expecting it to return 8, instead, it produced the full text of the value item, without using the excel method.

I am assuming that my use of this was written incorrectly? I am no expert in excel, but a quick check in an excel sheet using this approach, where the text is in a cell, produced the integer value response, =FIND("/", T151), produces 9, where T151 contains the market name above.

I thought MFP could use excel?

Can anybody help?



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Re: Excel methods in a user variable
« Reply #1 on: 12 Jun 2018, 21:35 »

I should have used FIND("/", "market_name")

It gets confusing when I generally use ["market_name"]

Sorry for pestering....



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